+1 vote
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So I have the personality of a fox yeah? Turns out I'm also a bit wolfish. I'm more fox than wolf, but my wolf traits do show. I'm beginning to question if I'm actually a coyote therian, & not a fox therian. But I still don't know. Any advice for helping me figure this out?

2 Answers

0 votes
by (114k points)
Best answer

I'm a fellow therian (polytherian).

You might be a polytherian too!

Having more than one theriotype is 100% normal, you could be all three!

Hope this helps!

Also, if you shift, maybe see if you remember shifting into a coyote or maybe try to?
It's just... I'm not sure how to describe it... I"m not exactly sure if my wolfish traits are because I'm otherhearted as well (Wolfkith) or not. Cuz I've always imagined my theriotype to be a bit bigger than a traditional fox, & the tail isn't as long or bushy. plus the legs are long(ish). It looks like a fox, but different. It's hard to describe. & last time I had a memory shift (which was my first time), I saw my mum & she was kinda tan, longish legs, lil less long tail & lil less bushy, BUT SHE STILL LOOKED KINDA LIKE A FOX A BIT! It's weird. So I have like no idea. Also I don't get mental shifts, or I haven't had one yet, I'm somewhat newly awakened & I don't know everything (But I've done heaps of research). (btw I'm that1redfox)
Yeah, I think the subtle-but-it-shows wolfish side of my personality is because I'm wolf other hearted. I got a tail yesterday (Red fox tail, lil tan for the animal but Idc), & I felt more connected to it than my coyote tail. & I don't really feel like the term "coyote" resonates with me so much. "Fox" is definitely the better term for me. Also, I really only get fox phantom shifts & canine dream shifts (although I'm not exactly sure if their really "dream shifts" because usually its a different canine like sometimes I'll be a wolf, others a husky or German Shepherd, sometimes I'll be some kind of mix between wolf & dog, it's weird.) So yeah, I feel like the words "Red Fox" suit me better than "Coyote".
0 votes
by (116k points)
I'm pretty sure you are a human.
by (227k points)
Quite logical indeed-

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