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Today my friend "Ruby" told me that he likes me,well actually my friend "Alexa",Gave me a note saying its from "Ruby" and said,WILL YOU DATE ME?I said I'll figure it out Tomorow but everyone was pressuring me so I said yes.Thats not the way I feel though,I want to just talk about TADC and Bluey with him forever,nothing more,I mean he is surportive.Then my mom said the other day that if I had a bf I would tell her but I but ex exaggerated too much and did not tell her the "yes" part.she had no advice 4 me but she always does! HELP!!!

1 Answer

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by (2.6k points)
I think you should just be honest with her, I know it sounds cheesy, but girls would much rather you be honest than lie about your feelings.
But today May 22nd (did ya know that the same day I posted was the same day it happend?)I decided to say no,like what if my cousin "Julien" or my sister"Nana" or my DAD FINDS OUT!!! I will die!!! I need to tell him today,his heart my be broken but I told Mrs Sanchez Young(Ruby Social Worker) and we will talk about but she wont say I told her.
by (2.6k points)

Ok, I'm just gonna be honest, your situation really sucks.... But the only advice I can give you is just to be honest with everybody. I do like how you are talking to adults who wont get mad at you tho. Keep doing what you are doing, It'll be fine!teeth_smile

Hi! this is an update if you cared,of course,So I Broke up With Ruby and We are still friends but he has been kid of avoiding me!But Win/lose!
by (2.6k points)
Yay! I am glad you got it figured out!!! Just make sure that you arent accidentally avoiding him in the process of you staying friends.

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