+3 votes
in Other by (64.6k points)
Short story: I'm hiding in my room shaking bcs there was a bug in the kitchen.... imma have nightmares tonight...

Long story:

Mk, so I was doing dishes and there was this big black bug on the blinds... the blinds were closed btw. My first thought was 'wasp!' but then I convinced myself that wasps aren't black and they have bigger bodies and shorter legs... so there I stood staring at the blinds with a bug panicking. After awhile of the buf just sitting there I got a little closer and inspected it. I convinced myself that it didn't have wings or a stinger, so I went and got the fly swatter and a sweatshirt just incase it did have a stinger. I stood there staring for a few more seconds and eventually I worked up enough courage to try to hit it so first I practiced a lil bit bcs I always miss, and then when I found the perfect angle the bug started moving and pulled out a stinger... yk, one of those things that looks like a scorpion tail (I'm probably exaggerating a lil bit). So then I was like wtheck??? and b4 I could work up the courage to hit it again it crawled into the blinds... ok THEN it crawled back out and flew around a lil bit and then went back to the blinds so I panicked and ran behind the table. After a minute I got a lil closer to the blinds and saw it, and then I think I saw a shadow and then I couldn't find it so I did the only logical thing: I threw a pencil at the blinds.... nothing came out so I assumed it had already left so now I'm hiding in the corner of my room with the fly swatter and a dead fly.... and overtime the wind blows by me I tense up and freak out internally... and I'm just starting to calm down and stop shaking... good day... or bad... I'm getting the feeling imma have nightmares tonight....

7 Answers

0 votes
by (60.8k points)
Best answer
See…if it was a spider I’d be out of the house and around the block.

I have arachnophobia…

by (33.8k points)

don't worry, everyone is afraid of spiders.

by (966k points)
Woah woah woah, I’m not afraid of spiders.
by (64.6k points)

I am too tho....
0 votes
by (33.8k points)

don't worry, the wasps around my house have a nest above the door, and they're almost an inch long. and if I can do fine then you can do fine too,it's not like it's a murder hornet or anything.


by (64.6k points)


this is heck ppl... not hell... and no hell isn't a bad word

by (64.6k points)

Also... it was a wasp

but apparently one that can't sting....

0 votes
by (47.1k points)
That sucks. Hope you can sleep tonight. :)

by (64.6k points)
iDid! :D
by (47.1k points)
Great to hear! :D
0 votes
by (31.6k points)
Its just a bug
by (64.6k points)
Yes, a bug that will find you in your sleep and destroy your soul
0 votes
by (43.3k points)
I would’ve been to chicken to even go near it once I spotted it if I was in your situation

You’re braver than I would have been
0 votes
by (117k points)
My sister is 14 and is still terrified of bugs (even butterflies).
0 votes
by (550k points)
Bugs sometimes get inside
by (64.6k points)

And sometimes always they shouldnt

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