+11 votes
in Girls' Advice Column by (6.4k points)
I have a crush, and I don't know if I should tell my friends about it. All of them are very anti-dating, which makes sense since I'm not in High School. But I still feel like they need to know since they are my best friends!

9 Answers

0 votes
by (4.3k points)
tell them, crushes aren't bad. but be careful
0 votes
Actually, don't worry about it! I had this problem a couple months ago too! At first I was wierded out that I liked him but once I told him it all cleared up and I started liking someone else!

You should try too! Worse comes to worse he might be a LITTLE wierded out but if you are true friends then I'm  positive that you'll work it out!

Good luck!
+2 votes
by (45.3k points)

You are not required to tell your best friends every single secret, however, if you truly want to tell them you should. Friends are supposed to be supportive, and having a crush at nearly any age is totally normal. Not having a crush or never feeling attracted to anyone is also totally normal, as some people may take longer to feel this way, and some just do not have an attraction to anyone (Asexual, Aromantic). Your friends may feel uncomfortable because they are not comfortable with having a relationship at that moment in their lives. If you are sure that you yourself are comfortable with having a crush and possibly acting on it, GO FOR IT!!! You do not need your friends' approval for everything, as peoples' opinions may differ. When telling your friends, make sure to be firm and assertive. If you truly feel a certain way towards any topic, do not change your opinion because of what the majority believes. 

I hope this helps!

-GymnastPower, Girl's Advice Column President

+2 votes
by (95.3k points)
There’s a difference between dating and having a crush. Having a crush is just a natural feeling that almost everyone gets. Dating is making an action on that feeling. I know I’m a little late, but I think you should tell them, and if they oppose explain the difference to them.
+3 votes
by (138k points)
I also think you should tell them about this crush. If they don't like you because of it my  personal opinion is that you should  tell them that it is hard not to like someone you have a crush on. If they still don't like you because of it you should find some new people to hanhandg out with. Thanks for reading :3
+3 votes
by (27.5k points)
Don't tell the person you have a crush on!!!! But it's a good idea to tell a trusted friend!
+4 votes
by (415k points)
Scream it
by (6.4k points)
No way, Knight Star! If I screamed it, my crush would here me!
+4 votes
by (7.4k points)
Just straight up tell it to the world
+4 votes
by (82.8k points)

You should tell them.There is no law against liking someone.If they don't agree then explain to them that it is VERY hard to not like this person when you already love them, and trust me, I know.Hope this helped!


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