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The Extraordinary Theorems of John Nash - with Cédric Villani

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Channel: The Royal Institution
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Fields medal winner Cédric Villani takes us through the very special world of mathematical creation of John Nash, who founded several new chapters of game theory and geometric analysis in just a few revolutionary contributions that seemed to come from nowhere.
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On 23 May 2015, John Forbes Nash tragically died in a taxi accident, just after receiving the most prestigious award that a mathematician can dream of, the Abel Prize. This tragic episode was the last event in a life which was so full of amazing events that Nash became an icon of human genius, recipient of the Nobel Prize and hero of a Hollywood movie looking at his life marked by mental illness.

But most of all, Nash was a prophet who founded several new chapters of game theory and geometric analysis in just a few revolutionary contributions that seemed to come from nowhere. Fields medal winner, Cédric Villani takes us through this very special world of mathematical creation.

Cédric Villani is a French mathematician who works primarily on partial differential equations, Riemannian geometry and mathematical physics. He was awarded the prestigious Fields Medal in 2010 – an award often viewed as the highest honour a mathematician can receive.

He is a member of the Science and Technology Advisory Council and DIrector of the Institut Henri Poincaré.

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