+8 votes
in The Christian Wall Club by (165k points)

So me and Wraya are having a conversation and she thinks that guys should not have long hair that it is a sin and that you should not have tattoos what do you as a christen think she also thinks anything popular is sinful. And she thinks am a terrible christen bc I don't agree with every think she thinks and she thinks am going to the bad place so what do you guys think plz help she is really stubborn she won't answer my Q's either she just ignores the hard ones.

Do you think that these things are sinful?

  1. That boys having long hair is sinful?
  2. That having tattoo's are sinful?
  3. That popular is SINFUL?
So i would like to state something. If you are a Christian, it is not sinful. I have longish hair. I am a Christian. The books of the law in the Old Testament stated quite clearly, that long hair and tattoos were prohibited to the Jews. However, the Old Testament were books for the Jews to follow and understand. With the death and resurrection of Christ, the Old Testament became null and void to the new race of believers, Christians. The Old testament is strictly followed by the Jews, whereas the New Testament is for the Christians to follow. The New Testament has never mentioned the laws of the Old Testament with the exception of a select few, among which hair and tattoos are not a part of. Therefore, to a modern believer, Christians are not being sinful by having long hair, or tattoos unless the tattoos are blasphemous to God. With the popularity aspect of things, as long as the popularity does not extend to dishonoring God, then you will be fine. Therefore, under most circumstance, you are correct, although Wraya has accurate points, but mainly if you are a Jew, or dishonoring God with your tattoos, and what you do to be popular. However, you are mainly correct.
by (165k points)
Thank you and about tattoos I made it very clear I said only God honoring tattoos and not paganism type

5 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
Well,i don't want to get into an argument with anyone..

Liking popular things is not a sin, there id no where in the bible that says it is.

Having long hair isn't a sin, in fact back then most people had longer hair than we do now.

Tattoos are a touchy subject, but the way I see it as long as it isn't like some demon worshipping thing it isn't a sin.

Again, these are just my opinions, they aren't necessarily correct.

by (165k points)

I explain about the tattoos to Wraya but she was like

"Tatto's are bad, Long hair is bad popular is bad and I won't your question bc I will be proving wrong!

Sorry am kinda mad I mean she was really mean and called me Ungodly and said I was going to follow the Anti-Christ am hurt who does she think she is I mean she got up in my face bc I don't speak in tongues like really am 12!

Okay no that is not right.

Speaking is not a thing anymore. The disciples were able to do that because they literally had God right there in front of them in flesh making them able too, but we are not called to do that anymore.
by (165k points)
Um tell that to Wraya

I told her it says in the Bible that woman should cover their hair and not cut it short do you think we should do that to and she never answered I think she could not find a good answer.
0 votes
by (529k points)
I'm not Christian but DIDN'T JESUS HAVE LONG HAIR?
by (10.8k points)
we don't really know but from like all of the pictures drawn of Him yea XD
by (165k points)
Same as @Dallas
0 votes
by (10.8k points)
Even if it is sinful God will forgive. I have long hair and I'm getting a tattoo next year and I'm (kinda) popular bc imma star at football and I have a lot of friends on this Bible app and I'm very popular at my church and like as long as it doesn't affect me on a bad way I don't think any of this is sinful. If so then Father forgive me. (ik this post was made a little while ago but I just thought I'd put in my opinion) Just say q prayer to Jesus saying you believe that he died on the cross for you and no matter what happens you are going to heaven
by (165k points)
That's true!

This post was made awhile ago tho!
0 votes
by (550k points)
No to.all 3
by (165k points)
by (550k points)
I mean none of those three are sins.
by (165k points)
Ahh yes I agree!
+1 vote
by (266k points)
Gotta agree with Cuberdude!

When did she say any of this? Can/ would you link a post??

1.) No, boys with long hair is not sinful. In fact, I kinda like the long haired look (*cough cough* Dustin)! I don't know why it would be.

2.) Tattoos are kinda a matter of opinion- personally, I don't think they're that great (I mean like, they're permanent, so how are those dragons and flames gonna look on your saggy, 82 year old skin?), and I'll bet God probably isn't all that wild about them either, but I don't think it's a sin. It really depends on what you make your tattoo.

3.) Liking "popular" things isn't necessarily sinful, but there are several popular things today that are. In this case, it's not a one-size-fits-all situation. Like the old (and sorta new?) tech-decks. It was popular, but it was literally just a tiny finger skateboard. Not a lot there to work with.

Hope this helps, and I sure hope you and Wraya can work things out!
by (165k points)

Thank you! me todisappointed 

here is the link https://www.kidzsearch.com/questions/103461/what-type-of-shoe-is-your-style

just look down until I ask about K-pop and that's where it all starts.


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