+6 votes
in Venting by (24.1k points)
She only lets me use my tablet for 1h but she uses her phone for 2-3h, reading webtoon, check fb and look for deals!! She also wants me to take dancesport classes, extra classes to review what I have learned at school...
That sound a bit like my mom. I don't hate her. I FEAR her. Its like the saying "when mom isn't happy, no body is happy" (she got really bad anger issues)

But I still love her. Don't worry. You'll get used to it. I promise.
by (12.9k points)
Galaxy Fox Gurl, my mom is exactly like that! my mom makes me do hw every since weekend and break. i have like no time with my friends. she wants me to be like a doctor, but i want to be a dancer, and it is super annoying when she tells me to put school before dance. its horrible, cuz i hate school!
Nah i think all of our moms are like that XD. i have only 1 hour to play games on my phone and it turns off at 10 then back on at 7 it was bad when i first got it but i now understand why she gave me restricted time.
by (28.9k points)
she pays the electricity bills you don't she can be on as long as she wants.
by (161k points)
Preach nate
by (59.5k points)
I’m this is a bit late, but i dont have a phone

7 Answers

+2 votes
by (99.4k points)
Best answer
please please PLEASE don't hate your mom. don't take your time with family for granted. "when you lose something, at that time is then is when you learn to appreciate them." -Owl
by (265k points)

SPITTING FACTS. You don't know what you've got, until it's gone... 

You learn the hard way a-=(

by (10.8k points)

hehe can you say that again CC but as me lol T_T

by (265k points)

FELT skull

0 votes
0 votes
Hey hey hey,  calm down. I only get half an hour and I love my mom . An hour is a long time ok? So just chill. P.S. I saw you had a No. 2. Just don't.
0 votes
by (14.6k points)
She’s an adult, you’re her child. She makes most decisions for you. Don’t sure your mom. Plus, devices rot your brain
+1 vote
by (265k points)
Well, she did her time as a kid with those kinda restrictions. She earned her freedom, just as you will :p
+1 vote
by (13.6k points)
1 hour tablet time okay she just doesn't want tou on all day. Shes on her phone cause she is an adult and at least she is looking for deals to buy stuff maybe its deals to buy stuff for you. Talk to her about the classes maybe she'll change her mind.
by (24.1k points)
She won't change her mind until I'm 18 or 21
by (13.6k points)
Just move out B4 that.
by (24.1k points)
What do you mean from moving out?
by (13.6k points)
I was sorta joking but you could always just buy one of those "Build It Yourself" sheds or borrow an RV/Trailer
by (24.1k points)
I am in an average family and Vietnam isn't that wealthy to rent an RV or a Trailer, plus, I am living in an apartmentin a city, how can I build a shed? (I am noob at knowing about building)
by (13.6k points)
Didn't know you were in Vietnam but a shed is really just base walls nail paint connect  and roof platform arch drywall paint connect. Getting electricity, heating and air, and light is a different story.
by (24.1k points)
No!!! My apartment is too narrow to do that
by (13.6k points)
Kk calm down please (LOL). You could get a key lock on you bedroom door and a mini fridge or microwave others optional. Or you can save up (for years) to buy a close apartment or pay rent. That worked for me for 1 year.
Are you kidding?
by (13.6k points)
Not really, do you have some advice?
by (14.6k points)

You make your own decisions at 18. And she most DEFINITELY can’t tell you what to do at 21

0 votes
by (550k points)
Ask her why she wants you to take the classes. Ask her why you are only allowed onto tablet time a day.
by (24.1k points)
I don't know...

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