+11 votes
in Inspirational by (529k points)

Religion and what you religion is is too big on here. Why does it matter? It doesn't. If no one had a religion everyone would get along *better* and there would be no problem. 

You're Christian. You keep asking people about their religion. They say atheist, Buddhist, Jewish, and you are constantly trying to tell them or pressure them into converting. But this cannot go on anymore... You don't see other animals fighting or pressuring other animals to be what they want them to be unless their like, wolves or something. Nature doesn't need religion. They are just being themselves and are trying to survive.

So what? Are you saying that all the other animals are going to go to hell? 

I just don't like the fact that people are using religion and stuff as an excuse or something....

Just say your opinion regardless of anything! Honest, not just by "faith". Please guys.

This is not for a debate. If you debate about this, I swear to the powers that be, I will shut it down entirely.

Comments start rolling in, " this is entirely different from what I've been taught," "God and Heaven and all that is real, and you're going to hell," "You'll be so much happier once you realize the word of God,"

Seriously, I know you guys have been brought up by this, and I know some of you guys actually consider my truth, but some of you... I'm not going to hell, you aren't, period. Seriously.

"This goes against what I have been taught," 

So have other things, doesn't make it any less true.

"You're going to hell," 

Thanks for the warning. 

"Still friends?" 

I have to really care about what you just said to stop being friends with you.

Please stop making religion the big thing in your life and other people's life. I know you're trying to spread the word of God, and I know you think you're saving people from hell, and I appreciate that your trying to help, but...

This is nothing against all of you. Christian, Atheists or whatever. It's just that when you know the truth, all of the other, it doesn't matter to you, or whatever. 

But when I see other people trying to, "help", others on here... Telling people lies about how they're going to go to hell if they believe otherwise... I know this is the lie the adults were told, to, by their elders, but can you please not make the same mistake they did, worrying if they were going to hell or not, and doing crazy things not to?

I'm trying to help all of you.


There was a poem at the end of Minecraft, called the End Poem. It was after you freed the end and jumped into the portal. It told of two people of a higher consciousness talking, and they were actually trying to express that, the player thought of itself as a human, and went through a dream. It would one day be able to understand the truth once they finished the journeys. 

" And the universe said, 'I love you,'"

And it just kept saying everything that was true and real...

And the thing that stood out to me was the end.

"You are the player...

Wake up."

It almost made me cry... Someone actually understands..

The author of it even said it was peculiar... Like he didn't even write it himself. Like he was being guided by his higher knowing, of the truth. But people still skip it, because whatever is trying to keep them from finding out the truth, knows deep down, that in THIS PARTICULAR GAME, it could change their perspective on this drastically. So many people play it...

(Minecraftnerd, I know you'll take this to heart, since it's Minecraft based.)

Please... Listen to me.. 





Wake Up.

3 Answers

0 votes
by (966k points)
Are those quotes real? Because now I feel bad for you.

I defeated the Ender Dragon in Creative and I read the End Poem. It’s awesome. I ended it during the credits (you know, the people who made the game) because it was too long.
by (529k points)
Yes these quotes are real.
0 votes
by (165k points)
ok gurl, I get what you're saying but by saying that you're trying to press your option.

And you can say what you think but you should allow others to think what they want too.

 Like I'm sorry but I believe there is a heaven and there is a hell. You're talking about people telling others lies but what you just said is "lies" to me. I don't believe that after we die that's the end.

I don't believe that loving yourself it the answer to every problem. I'm sorry but I'm not going to "Stop making religion a big thing" It is a big thing; I can't make you change my mind, but I think that is good that different people post about what they believe! I'm not trying to shut you down gurl I'm just saying you can't just tell others to stop posting about their believes and keep posting about yours!
by (529k points)
I'm not saying when we die it's, "the end".

You're going to a place of pure bliss and joy either way.

Okay, I understand. I'm being hypocritical. Thank you for pointing that out.
by (165k points)
Where do you think we go?

Well I don't believe that but if you don't want to debate then we won't girly!

Yw! Thanks for not getting mad!
by (529k points)
0 votes
by (147k points)
You are acting as if religion is a crutch for weirdos who are insecure.

I will never give up my beliefs and religion will stay the big thing in my life until my dying breath. If it doesn't, may I live to see and hear the process.

Religion is not a prison. It is a right.
by (529k points)

Yes, you have the right to believe what you want.

I totally agree.

I'm just telling you the truth, so you know what to go back to once you realize it.


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