+10 votes
in Personal by (156k points)
Read the title^^^
I can tell u that I've kissed people since 1st grade -10th(this year) for a while. FYI I'm a girl
by (156k points)
Well that's mean 1st Isn't a big deal but ever year???
by (156k points)
Yeah .  
by (156k points)
Sry but did you have the same boyfriend or different ones each year? Btw do you live in Colorado?

21 Answers

+1 vote
Sat on a bench with my crush and put my head on is shoulder.

He's dead to me now. ( meaning that he did something and I don't like him anymore. )

Keep in mind that we both knew that we liked eachother.
+1 vote
Ok my biggest secret I have a crush on a boy named domic and he so nice but he's kinda weird btw I kiss my pillow and dream its him
by (137k points)


by (529k points)


by (794k points)
Nobi got possesed by Hyude
by (529k points)

big-eyes                                                                                                          .

by (137k points)


by (967k points)
Guys, it’s the Hyude virus…
by (13.9k points)



by (794k points)







.Help me.... Hyude has captured me; i'm in their basement and TOTALLY not being held captive until my mom gives him a hundo dollars-

by (90.4k points)



+3 votes

a boy. a girl (me!) he asked, 

"it's hot out today, eh?"

i stood there shocked he realized i was alive and smartly said...

oh-- uh, yup, mhm!" 

:D I'm a romantic, totally. totally.

+2 votes
by (25.2k points)
that moonlit night at our terrace me and eliza....

she is one of the most amazin girls i've evr met and I knew her from age 4, and still my girl best friend. People at my scl ship us, tho we wdn't agree (cuz I'm the junior HP!)
+5 votes
by (967k points)
I hugged my crush twice. (He never hugged me back…)
by (156k points)
I feel you :(
+3 votes
by (794k points)
ONCE I asked a boy at a Scandinavian heritage center if he wanted to do some Traditional Sámi folk dance (he had a Sámi Flag pin)

He rejected me but at least me and him informed for like 4 hours
by (122k points)

by (161k points)
Carly got shot down
by (794k points)

I indeed almost got a Sámi boyfriend. Im allowed to date (due to my birth country's rules involving dating) but he lived 3 hours away from me and he dosent know how to dance
by (794k points)
+5 votes
by (161k points)
Hugged my ex unofficial girlfriend in the pool (when our unofficial relationship was still active)
by (161k points)
Also I got my first kiss when i was 1 and a half
by (156k points)
+1 vote
by (1.3k points)

I've been asked to go to a dance with someone before...I said yes. That night I was the first to lay a kiss on his cheek, like, ever. Btw, I is a grrl. giggle meowlafearomgomg

by (156k points)
Nice btw how old are you?
+1 vote
by (10.1k points)
When i did a mexican dance with my crush in my third grade graduation and he hold my hand and twirled me! Ps i was red!
+1 vote
by (165k points)
Held hands with a boy! :D
by (156k points)
Nice!!! You have a boyfriend?
by (165k points)

We where just friends but I think he had a crush on me!

I also go to ballroom dance class every week where were currently dancing to Can I Have This Dance from HSM!! lol
by (156k points)

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