+8 votes
in Other by (68.9k points)



So I haven't been online in a while as a lot of you guys know, and btw to everyone who knows me from before, I TYPE CARELESSLY NOW, bc yk how I used to always write stuff properly with good grammar? idrc about that anymore, I just text a lot of people so I use bad grammar sometimes and when I type I don't rlly type properly, I use a lot of abbreviations and stuff.

If you guys wanna hear some new drama stories from me, then just tell me and I'll make a post talking about the drama in my life! Especially if you want to hear more about my "love life" and my friendships which are super complicated!

But here's a Valentine's story! So there's this guy, let's call him Apple because that's his codename that I use for him with my friends, I used to be head-over-heels for him, and now I hate him 99% and like him 1%, here's why: so I'm in 7th grade, and Apple's in 8th grade, I added him on Snap bc I like him, and I wanna talk to him, and he added me back a few weeks later, we didn't really talk for a while, and then we started talking after I asked if he had instagram, and then he asked me if I wanted to sit with him at lunch, I said sure bc who wouldn't wanna sit with their crush at lunch?! So we planned to meet at his locker before lunch, but he wasn't at his locker, so I went to lunch, and saw him scanning the cafeteria, keep in mind that we never talked irl and he doesn't rlly know what I look like (I know what he looks like bc I thought he was cute near the beginning of the school year) I didn't know he was looking for me, but turns out he was bc he told me on snap, so the next morning me and him met at his locker and took some laps to walk and talk (there's like 10-20 min before morning bell rings) and I stayed pretty quiet, he kept tryna start a convo but like, it was awkward so I answered with only a few words, I regret that decision but it's too late now, we even matched black and white flannel without trying! That was a friday, so I asked him if we could sit together at lunch on monday to make up for thursday, we decided to meet up at my locker before lunch this time, I waited for 5 minutes with my best friend, and he never cam, so I went to the Cafeteria and saw him, and I'm stupid enough that when I got home, I apologized to him on Snap, saying "I'm so sorry that I didn't sit with u at lunch again!" and then he texted back "oh i forgot sry" he's so stupid! Anyways, we stopped talking, and then 2 weeks after I tried talking to him again, and he asked me if I had a Valentine, I said no, and he asked why I don't have a Valentine, and I said that it's bc no one likes me and then I asked him if he had a valentine, and he literally said "basically"!!! CAN U BELIEVE IT?! And then he said that he could be my valentine (it was bc i was gonna be lonely or wtvr), I was stupid and agreed, and then another 8th grade guy that I'm friends with told me that Apple already has a gf! So I "confronted" him on snap and asked if he had a gf, and he said that he does at a different school! I asked for her name and grade (he never told me her last name thought), I have friends at the school that Apple's "gf" apparently goes to, and I asked them if they know her, and they said that she doesn't exist! My 8th grade friends at my school did some research for me too, and she actually doesn't exist!! AND THEN I ASKED APPLE IF HIS GF EVEN EXISTS, AND HE SAID "YEA WHY?" LIKE BRO HAS THE NERVE TO LIE TO ME EVEN MORE! After that I asked him if his gf is okay with him having 2 Valentine's and he said that he already told her and that she's chill about it, like, WHO WOULD BE CHILL ABOUT THEIR OWN BF HAVING 2 VALENTINE'S?! AND THEN 3 DAYS AGO ON SATURDAY, I TEXTED APPLE IF WE'RE ACTUALLY EACH OTHER'S VALENTINE'S AND HE SAID "yea it's js hanging out and stuff.." LIKE HE SRSLY BRO?! AND THE THING IS, WE PLANNED TO WALK TOGETHER FOR YESTERDAY (MONDAY) MORNING, AND SO ON SUNDAY I ASKED HIM IF HE ACTUALLY WANTED TO WALK TOGETHER BC I'M AN OVERTHINKER, AND HE LEFT ME ON READ, SO I TEXTED HIM "..?" AND HE LEFT ME ON READ AGAIN! AND THEN I SENT HIM "ight ig we won't walk tmrw then" AND HE LEFT ME ON READ AGAIN! AND THEN MY 8TH GRADE FRIEND ASKED HIM WHY HE LEFT ME ON READ, AND HE SAID THAT HE DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO REPLY!! LIKE BRUH! HE HAS THE TIME TO READ MY TEXTS BUT NOT REPLY?!?! NAHHHH I AINT TAKING THAT! SO YESTERDAY WE DIDN'T WALK, AND TODAY WE DIDN'T EVEN SEE EACH OTHER. I HATE HIM SO MUCH!!! idrk what to say now lol.

About Apple:

- 8th grade

- Korean

- Tall

- Perm

- Kinda popular not rlly

Somehow pulls girls


So guys, I probably won't come online a lot but I'll try! And btw my 13th birthday is in 11 days! I'm so excited!

~ Wraya <3

OMGOSH girl, that's a rotten apple there

6 Answers

+1 vote
by (28.9k points)
Can we hear about drama and your love life please
by (68.9k points)

Of course! It might take a while tho bc i have homework and stuff.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

+2 votes
by (214k points)
That's a lot! I asked my friends to be my Valentine and they said yes!!

And happy early bday!!
by (68.9k points)

Really? I had a Galentine! Thank youuuu!

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
mee too!
0 votes
by (156k points)
Yooo I'm 13 too
by (68.9k points)

Ayyyyyy twins (kinda)! wsg bro? 

by (156k points)
School. What going down with you?
+1 vote
by (965k points)
Happy Valentine’s Day to you too!

Have you warned all the girls about Apple yet? If not, you should.

Happy early birthday! Mine’s in 5 1/2 months.
by (68.9k points)

Thank you! idrc if other girls like him or not, some of them know that he's a red flag, some don't, but the guys I'm friends with told me about Apple being a red flag and wtvr, so they'll prob tell other girls if they ever like him, and the girls I'm friends with know about Apple.

Thank you! Happy 5 1/2 months early birthday!!

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (965k points)
You’re welcome!

That’s good.

And thank YOU!
+1 vote
I'm ten. Can we be friends? I am a really fast typer somy words are messed up :l and I use a LOT of abbreviations
by (68.9k points)

You're ten? That's nice! I'D LOVE TO BE UR FRIEND! btw what's ur gender? I'm asking bc if you're a girl imma say "gurl" to u a lot and stuff.

~ Your new friend, Wraya <3

by (965k points)
I’m also a real fast typer, but I have autocorrect and I hunt-and-peck.

However, I barely use any abbreviations when talking on here and some (afk, brb, lol, btw) when playing games.
+1 vote
by (550k points)
U can continue my MC story.
by (68.9k points)

Ummm what story? I don't rlly remember, sorry! I haven't been on KT much, and I've been really busy so I don't remember a lot of stuff from KT. Care to explain??

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (550k points)
Nvm I can continue it.

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