+7 votes
in LGBTQIA Club by
So, I didn't post this very long ago, but my last idea didn't work, so I just wanted to know if anyone wants me to do something special for pride month (because. . .PRIDE MONTH.) I know it's a little bit bit away, but STILL.

3 Answers

0 votes
by (550k points)
reseach (nott rtoo deeply) a pert of lgbt (Like gay) post what it means and some celebrities who are that
Yeah, that's close to what my old post was about! That's a good idea! Mine was basically asking people if they wanted to say what an identity (in their own words) was, so this kind of makes the idea way better. :)
+1 vote
by (156k points)
No pls dont
by (965k points)
You could just not read the question. Or not answer.
0 votes
by (965k points)
I know I’m gonna post for pride month, but I don’t know what.
by (965k points)
I’ll start posting a few days before Pride Month and end posting a few days after.
Yeah I'm going to post from the day before to the day after every day with something pride related.
I might not be here every day in June either, but I'm going to try! I might ask someone to take over if I can't!

I wish I could get an account, but I can't!
Tysm! I might get an account in two years.


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