+4 votes
in Other by (4.4k points)

So a couple days ago, a girl (lets call her Sally) sent this really inappropriate text to my group chat. I texted her separately telling this girl that my mom looks over my texts so when she sees that she will not be happy. Then Sally asked why, I said "BC..." (because) and then explained. Sally said that I need to stop calling her a bad word! What? I never said anything that was even close to a bad word! I kept asking her what I called her because I had no idea what Sally was even talking about. She said I need to stop acting like I don't know what she is talking about and also to stop acting innocent. She said that I called her the B word!! What the heck???? I kept saying I never called her that and then Sally said "im blocking u". Then I said "Is it because I said BC? That stands for because!" But she had already blocked me. 

I tried to talk to her the next day but she just gave me the evil/glare/side eye, and walked away. Apparently she was telling people that I called her the B word even though I never said anything like that! She knows that I don't cuss.

She had been blocking me for a couple of days now and in choir we were allowed to have our phones out and I got a text from Sally saying - Hey I'm really sorry. I really thought you called me a bad word. I now know what "BC " means and I am really sorry." Then she texted me again- "I am really sorry.regular_smile"  And again - "I hope you can forgive me.regular_smile"

Should I forgive her? 

4 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
forgive but don't forget what she did
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
by (155k points)
Yeah, forgive her.
0 votes
by (1.1k points)
I know what that's like. I think you should forgive her but be a little wary at first.
0 votes
by (56.3k points)
Ofc. Forgiving people is a good thing u should!

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