+14 votes
in Polls by (795k points)
this is not homework help or anything I just want to see what you guys say
leif eriksson >:) (12 votes, 80%)
christopher columbus (3 votes, 20%)
by (680 points)
The Native Americans! Of Course!
by (795k points)
This is an ancient post-

15 Answers

+6 votes
by (147k points)
Best answer
Turning over a new Lief
by (795k points)
0 votes
by (529k points)
I know I already answered this, but Native Americans for people, and nature for the very first thing that came, just as GC said :]
by (967k points)

What about the nebula dust thing that made the Solar System?

by (529k points)
Nature x3
0 votes
by (206k points)
NATIVE AMERICANS!!! My ancestors >:)
0 votes
by (161k points)

If we’re talking about people, then obviously the Native Americans skull

Leif Erikson was super late to the party, no way was he first, Carly.

If we’re talking about anything, then nature came first.

by (795k points)
Why are people still answering this
by (161k points)

Because this poll was rigged tongueskull

by (795k points)
I was stupid
by (119k points)
Did you forget about the native Americans while making this?
+1 vote
by (71.2k points)
Bro in my social science class we're talking about this... Do you go to my school or something???
by (795k points)
+1 vote
by (795k points)
why the 9 worlds this is my most viewed post
by (126k points)
Maybe everyone wanted to see if they were right.
0 votes
by (126k points)
I know I'm late (everyone already gave the correct answer so I won't bother), but tell me who discovered Antarctica first, ay? There's some sketchy stuff there. They found OLD maps of the coast drawn perfectly, which indicates that they were there to see and map it. The weird thing is that they drew it green and like a lush jungle on their map. Why does nobody ever talk about this????
+2 votes
by (1.34m points)
0 votes
by (795k points)
my school celebrates COlumbus day instead of Leif Eriksson day oml
by (967k points)
My school celebrated neither.

(They celebrate Native American Heritage Day instead of Columbus Day because Christopher Columbus killed some Natives and my school has never heard of Leif Eriksson Day)
+2 votes
by (550k points)
You have an account now? Cool!

Anyways the answer is the first choice.
by (795k points)
everyone is picking leif and i love that

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