+5 votes
in FlameSeeker’s blog by (13.7k points)

My morning started like any other morning. I got dressed, and went downstairs. My mom wanted to take me to breakfast, I reluctantly agreed, knowing something weird was going on.

 I got in my car seat and buckled up. As we drove down the road I saw the cars zipping down the road, and the amazing buildings turning into blurs of blue and gray. We pulled up to the restaurant and walked inside. The smell of eggs and bacon filled my nose, and the sizzling of the oil on the pans was an incredible sound. I sat down and looked at the menu. I decided to get waffles and asked if I could play on my mom‘s phone, and she said yes. 

I begin to play, and her phone gives off a familiar ding, one too familiar…. It was my dad. It read something along the lines of, what else do we need for the cat? And in that moment, my heart skipped a beat. I told my mom about it, and she pulled the phone away from me with a awkward smirk. I was buzzing with excitement. I was finally getting what I wanted most, a cat. I eagerly eat my waffles and rush to the car. We drove back home, and I was so excited to tell my brother.

We drove up to the house, and I was already unbuckled. I ran out of the car and opened the door to the house. I walk inside and on the counter I see a bag of cat food. My brother came down from a nap. Then I told him we were getting a cat! He looked upset for some reason, I don’t know why it’s like he didn’t want a new pet. Anyway, we got in the car with confidence, and determination. I’m going to get my cat.

We drove in the car all the way to one place. The first place had some cats, but it was pretty empty, and was a little sketchy. It had a very distinct smell, like the smell of rotting fruit. We then went to another place, we wanted a cat, but there was a dog adoption event. We loved the dogs, but we weren’t there to get one. And there weren't any cats anyway. Then we drove to the third place. My dad said, if there isn’t a cat here that we want, then we aren’t going anywhere else. My little 7 year old brain knew that we had to get one this time, I couldn’t hold off another day.

At the third place there was a cat adoption event. There were a bunch of cats at the event, some more cute than others. There were these two cats, and they were sleeping in the same bed together. They looked so cute, I knew they had to be mine. So when the lady asked what cat I like the most, I said the two cats. They were black and white, and their names were Eskimo pie and Gelato. She said that she would let them go to the bathroom, and while they were doing that get some toys and crates for them. We looked at all the toys, and all the crates, and picked out a couple of them. After we bought the toys, the cats were ready to go. We got them into their crates and we put them in our car.

As we were driving down the road, one of the cats kept meowing. I thought it was so cute. I wanted to snuggle with them already and feel their fur rubbing against my legs. We got home and let them out into their area, and they explored. We wanted to change their names because they were a little confusing. I thought Jasper & Lilly would be nice names, and my mom agreed.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (549k points)
0 votes
by (71.3k points)
Amazing story! I love the beginning with all the sensory details, like in paragraph two, when you wrote, "the sizzling of the oil on the pans was an incredible sound," and in paragraph five where you wrote, "like the smell of rotting fruit."

You are on the write (haha get it?) path to being an amazing author! Good luck!



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