+11 votes
in Mental Health by (790k points)
Ik about the very good news about next week and stuff, but I feel very sad at the same time.

today I didnt feel good, all that happiness today (except the part me and Nihara watched The Emigrants movie) was all faked. I dont feel loved, I dont feel talented, and I feel like I will never be sucessfull. everyone ignores me and nobody wants to talk to me. I reallty hate myself and I feel like there is no hope for me except a horrible future. I feel like I have to quit Liking Nordic stuff because that is not helping me with life and like something more popular. However, at the same time I dont want to because I made so many memories within my love of Nordic stuff, so Idk what to say

I need help

5 Answers

+3 votes
by (127k points)
Best answer

My advice: curse the world and throw a battle axe into a tree or something. Physical effort normally makes me feel better. Whether it’s punching the ground until my hands are bruised up and begin to bleed or doing push ups until I’m about to pass out, things like that will make you feel better because it’ll wear you down. Maybe that won’t be the case for you, but regardless I believe that everyone has their own “feel better” trick even if they don’t know it. Find yours. Maybe listening to music, etc. Once you do that and you feel better, then curse the 9 worlds and tell them what you think.

by (116k points)
Now THERE'S some advise!
by (127k points)
Thanks mate
+2 votes
Alright i have never had this feeling before but i will give my best advice.

If there is a hole in your heart,


Agememnon in Mr. Peabody and Sherman.

Like DukeSilver said, physical effort. Punching bag? Punch it till your hands break. Your hands broke? You feel better about yourself because you had the courage to do something that would break your hands. Dont actually break your hands, but you know what i mean.

And dont say that everyone ignores your posts. Thats a lie. Everyone ignores my posts, not yours. More people like Nordic stuff on here than punch out stuff. I dont know why i even created a Rocky/Karate Kid/Punch Out!! Fan group on Kidznet. I dont hate myself or feel bad about myself, i just feel lonely sometimes because no one i know really cares or wants to talk about stuff like that. All of my comments so far, you may be thinking “he seems laid back”. NO. I have alot of stuff to do at school, i gotta remember alot of stuff and i can’t remember stuff too well, etc. im not stressed but im not laid back either.

Wow. Im rambling. Back to you, sorry.

If you prefer music therapy, here’s some good motivational songs and good times to play them.

Celebration by kool and the gang. Play it when you get out of school on a friday or before a holiday.

You’re the best by joe esposito. Play it when you’re doing a workout or going for a run.

Any Rocky Training Montage song. Same thing with you’re the best. Great for workouts.

Lovely day by Bill Withers. Play in the morning while you’re eating breakfast.

Any 70’s nice upbeat song.

Hope you feel better, bud.
by (790k points)
Im a music therapist and all I listen to is nordic music so uhh
by (530k points)
I see your stuff,  just honestly don't have the energy to comment on most things. I do this with my other friends, too x3
+3 votes
by (132k points)
I never ignore your posts. Thats why im answering rn. I just dont have time for answering every thing. Also, never quit liking Nordic things. I personally think its very very cool and if you like it, you keep liking it.
+2 votes
by (965k points)
First of all, the part where everybody is ignoring you is not true. Why am I answering this post? Because I don’t want to ignore it.

Also because I want to help people.

Secondly, don’t quit liking something you love. All those pick-me people who drink Starbucks on the daily and take infinite selfies a day and use TikTok often? Most of them do it to become more “popular” and “trendy”. But fitting in won’t work in the long-term.

Standing out will.

And look at it: Everybody is talented in their own way. I might be a huge couch potato, but I can read extremely fast. And you? Well, I dunno every single thing about you, but I know for a fact you’re talented at something.

And success is different for everybody. There’s no one-definition-fits-all success. It varies a lot from person to person.

As for love, there’s somebody out there who loves you (could be platonic, could be romantic, I dunno). Like the KidzTalk community. We love you (platonically so don’t question me).
+2 votes
by (550k points)
Umm.... You will not be a failure.
by (790k points)
well that is how I feel

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