+12 votes
in Games / Toys by (791k points)

hey guys, welcome to my unboxing channel. today we are gonna-


so guysguysguys American girl made a Swedish character and eek she's so cute. 

I want you to meet *drumroll plz*........... Kristin Larson

She is so pretty.

anyways, I dont understand why the name Kristin. I am assuming back in the 1800s (this is a historical doll) Kristin is the most used name to Swedish-American girls. We already have Kristina from The Emigrants, we dont need no more Kristins or Kristines or whatever.

she represents The Scandinavian Immigrations to the USA in the 1800s, which I find one of the most interesting parts of Scandinavian history (Beside the Viking age and the Kalmar union) which is understandable she does have that 1800s drip. (These Scandinavian-Americans are older than me and have more drip than me)

she was released in 1986, which was WAYYY before I was born, but they took her away from the store in 2010.. my birthyear.  what an unlucky year to be born in,

anyways who, guess what state does she live in. if you said, Minnesota. You are correct, porbably because Scandinavian-Americans only live there (this is a joke, I know many Scandinavian-Americans who live outside of Minnesota

at that point, I assume they wanted to make their own version of The Emigrants. I mean i kinda do have a theory that Kristin Larsson (American Girl) and Kristina Nilsson (The Emigrants) are the same person.

5 Answers

+1 vote
by (122k points)
Best answer
at least they didnt Army Surname her
by (791k points)

Army Surnaming is terrible

by (966k points)
Wait, how do army surnames work? I only know how regular surnames work.
by (791k points)
Basically if you are a Scandinavian-American Immigrant (Finns are an exception, since most of them dont use the traditional Scandinavian surname tradition) who wanted to join the army and you use the typical Scandinavian traditional surname (Dad's name + -sen or -dottir depending on gender) you can (sometimes its forced) to change your surname (and your relatives and children) so they don't confuse everyone as relatives (since most surnames are devired of popular male names, Andersen, Johansen, Jensen, Hanssen etc) . Usually this is temporary but some people choose to keep their Army surname. I usually don't like the idea of Army Surnaming.
by (966k points)
by (791k points)
Army surnaming Is terrible
+1 vote
by (132k points)
I love that doll!! I dont have her tho, because I am collecting the American girl dolls
by (791k points)
I need her but she costs like 5,000 now.

she does have a mini doll btw

(i only want her cuz Scandinavia)
+1 vote
by (229k points)
how pretty!
by (791k points)
yes she is, she is very beautiful
by (229k points)
shes very nice!! its cool that they made her!
by (791k points)
yes. its kinda depressing that they took her away. she is probably one of the very few unexaggerated representation of Scandinavian-Americans. (they always have to exaggarte them)
by (229k points)
by (791k points)
Scandinavian-Americans in books : Oh yeah i have Viking ancestors and im streng

Scandinavian-Americans in real life : were normal
by (229k points)
+1 vote
by (966k points)
As another Scandinavian-American, I can confirm that not all of us live in Minnesota. I myself live in Washington (state).

But yeah, Kristin Larsson and Kristina Nilsson do sound and look similar.
by (791k points)
as a person who is friends with a Scandinavian-American, I can comfirm they can live in Texas aswell
+1 vote
as a Scandinavian-American (Finnish and Swedish) I can comfirm that we only excist in Minnesota

also didnt knew my ancestors had better drip than I
by (791k points)
agreed lol.

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