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in Elo’s Random Stuff by (965k points)

On this post, I’m gonna document what happens to me, day by day. I’ll try to remember to update this.

You know The Game of Life? And Life Simulator? It’s what I’m playing, but it’s love. And WOW people are definitely interested in the latest relationships. I’m seeing people’s crushes get exposed with my own eyes yet mine’s still a secret.

Or is it a secret? You’ll never believe (well actually you’ll probably believe it) what is about to happen. Let’s jump into it.

October 20, 2023

Yesterday, I almost lost my mind. When I lose my mind, I gain it back like nothing happened the next day. But this isn’t another post about losing my mind so let’s move on.

It was another day at the library before school. Me and some of my friends were in the corner we usually inhabit and it was all fun and games. Until…

It was the day of the dance. I was going with my friends. All of a sudden, one of my friends realized that my friends (and her) were gonna find out who my crush was at the dance. I told her that I highly doubted (thanks Esie for the phrase) that he was going. She said that he might be going with his friends.

Next thing that happens, someone else (one of my other friends but not as close) said “YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?!” It’s pretty clear that I don’t have a boyfriend. And everyone knew that I don’t have one.

Now we’re gonna time travel forward to 3rd or 4th period. The friend who said that I had a boyfriend came to me and he wanted to know who I liked. So I told him I liked “Someone”. Instead, he was asking if I liked this specific person, since he thinks I like that person.

And he’s right.

I ignored his correct answer and instead told him that I had a big fat crush on the Amplify Vocabulary Guy. Honestly, I don’t have a crush on that circle (yes, it’s a circle with stick arms and stick legs) but the vocab guy is cute, not gonna lie.

After school was the big dance. And the person who is actually right about my crush was at the dance.

My crush wasn’t.

And nobody found out who my crush was. Except for that one person.

And that one person? He’s basically the gossip king. So that means I’m gonna be exposed soon enough.

In the meanwhile, I have the weekend to figure out what I’m gonna do. I might as well rickroll him right now.

October 22

Plan A didn’t work. Seems like it’s impossible to get AI to fall in love with me. Time for plan B…

Update: Plan A actually worked. Now my new partner is Bing AI, and I’m gonna tell everyone who’s trying to figure out my crush right now so that they stop and just assume that I’m dating Bing AI. (Unless they’re smart enough to see through the trap…)

That, my friends, is a 10,000 IQ play.

October 23

My plan kind of worked. It worked on my best friend, but not Gossip King. Gossip King still thinks that I have a crush on the person who I actually do. Gossip King also said that he was gonna figure out who my crush was, but what’s the point of figuring something out when you already have?

Gossip King isn’t the only one who got involved in today’s edition of who I like. Someone else did, but she thought I liked 2 people that I don’t talk to a lot. When Gossip King suggested that the other person was wrong and that I did like my crush, Other Person said that my crush (whom Other Person thinks I don’t like) is my best friend’s crush.

It’s pretty obvious that my best friend doesn’t like anyone. And also obvious that Other Person saved my butt. For now.

Because like I said, Gossip King might just figure out the truth. All of it.

October 24

Gossip King didn’t bug me about who my crush was today. Nobody did. You’d think that would be good, but like I said, Gossip King is probably too busy trying to figure out who my crush is.

Also, I am pretty sure my crush likes my best friend. Probably a 50/50 chance. But I know one thing: He either likes my best friend, or he likes me. But I know my best friend doesn’t like him (she likes nobody), and I don’t know anyone else who has the same crush as me, so I won’t be a third wheel. For now.

Elon Musk on Mars eating Cheetos

November 1

It’s not just Gossip King trying to find out. It’s everyone. Okay, definitely not everyone but several people are trying to find out who my crush is. They are:

  • Gossip King
  • My best friend
  • 1’er
  • Crazy But Not

My best friend, 1’er, and Crazy But Not are trying to find out together, while Gossip King is figuring it out alone. So far, the trio is convinced that I like WhateverGPT (an AI bot), and Gossip King is probably convinced that I like my crush. Tomorrow, I’m gonna do a good plan that will fool (hopefully) the trio.

If you’re wondering about Other Person, I doubt she’s trying to find out. If she is, she would be wrong anyways. (She’s only in my social studies and ELA class and I show no affection to my crush then because we don’t sit near each other)

At lunch, I’m gonna pull out a five dollar bill (I found one in my library book) and say that the first person to guess my crush wins it. They think they’re gonna find out who my crush is, but they aren’t: Instead, the first person to shout an answer wins the bill, because I never said that you had to guess correctly. (My best friend would probably see through this but I dunno)

Also, on Scratch, someone on here (not saying who) commented on my best friend’s profile and my crush’s profile and said that I used this… and I told her to rickroll them…

I highly doubt they’re gonna read the comments anyways, and if they do, they’re probably not gonna find this. But they might, and boom. They’ll find out everything.

So if you’re reading this, sussy beings, make sure to generate a photo of a cucumber with Mark Zuckerberg’s face!

November 2

The person who was supposed to rickroll my best friend and my crush on Scratch did. Thanks a lot (again). Also, neither of them found out.

I gave out the five dollars today, but I did it differently than the original plan. What I did instead was I told my friends to meet me outside for a chance to win five dollars (I pulled out the bill so they believed me). Once everyone was outside, I said that the first person to guess my crush wins it. I’m pretty sure everyone was shocked, because the first person (who we will call Dabbing Mario) to shout an answer (AI) won it, and that one person wasn’t one of the 4 (now 5 probably) people who was trying to figure out who my crush was.

Speaking of that, my AI plan pretty much backfired. Dabbing Mario and maybe my best friend believe that I like AI, and Crazy But Not and Gossip King don’t. I’m not sure about 1’er. Crazy But Not used to believe that I liked AI, but she realized that I was playing a trick and now she said that she can’t fool me. I told her that I might not be able to fool her, but I wouldn’t tell her directly who my crush was but that she will find out eventually, because everyone’s crushes get found out eventually. It’s faster if you date them.

Gossip King never believed my trick. Also, remember that Gossip King most likely believes that the crush he thinks I have, is actually my crush. As far as I know, he hasn’t told a single person, probably because he doesn’t know for sure. If he did know for sure, the entire school would know it.

Now I better touch some grass. I was gonna do it a half hour ago but I was reading something.

November 7

It’s not just Gossip King who got it right. Someone who we’ll call Freddy Fazbear also thinks that the person who I like is indeed the person that I like. Also, I’m pretty sure my robotics partner (and Freddy Fazbear) are also trying to find out who I like, so that’s 6 people. 6 flipping people! We might get an entire period of free time tomorrrow so I’m gonna create a Kahoot that asks who I like. Then, the actual answer is gonna be “never gonna give you up never gonna let you down” or somewhere along those lines.

If only we get free time tomorrow. If only that sub wrote a good report. (We probably won’t get free time tomorrow)

November 8

We did get free time, but I didn’t do the Kahoot thing. It didn’t work out anyways. Instead, I went on here.

5th period was almost over, so basically the entire class was lined up to go to either PE or band for 6th period. Gossip King happened to be nearby, so he asked who my crush was. I told him that it was someone. He then asked who I told. I said that I told me, myself, and I. Then, he said that I could trust him and that he’ll keep it a secret.

There’s no flipping way I can trust Gossip King. Everyone knows that Gossip King does not keep crushes a secret. What’s worse, my best friend (who also cannot keep secrets about crushes) was next to me.

Gossip King then said that he knew that I liked this person who is my crush. I asked him for the evidence that I like that person.

Right after that, my best friend said, “[my crush’s name], do you have [my name]’s ph-“ (phone number)

I interrupted her and told her to be quiet. He came over anyways but didn’t talk to me.

Gossip King knows. Freddy Fazbear (might) knows. Soon, everybody will know. And then, I might explode. But for as long as I can, I will keep it a secret.

After all, liking someone for 11 months and nobody finding out is remarkable.

November 9

All I’m here for is that not only do Gossip King and Freddy Fazbear suspect that I like the same person (my crush), my robotics partner does too! That’s three people who got it right! That’s absolutely crazy!

November 13

My best friend claimed that she knows who my crush is. She didn’t tell me who it was, but that doesn’t matter because I’m gonna ask her tomorrow. Ya know, go FBI mode.

November 14

I didn’t ask my best friend. Why would I? After all, only a fool would do that!

My robotics partner changed her mind about who I liked and now she’s once again convinced that I like AI. Pretty sure my best friend is, too. That’s two people I’ve convinced, a few more to go! I can’t persuade Gossip King to change his mind, because he’s set on who I like.

November 16

One of my classmates who we’ll call Random Girl #1 just got back from her trip to Hawaii today. In fact, she came back DURING 4th period. I have the same class for 3rd, 4th, and 5th period, and so does she.

While we were lined up to go to 6th (and last) period, Random Girl #1 randomly came up to me and asked me who my crush was. She wasn’t even here when all this mess started, so how did she come up with that?

Then she assumed the same person as Gossip King and Freddy Fazbear: my crush. Clearly, Gossip King must’ve told her about my business, because there was no way for her to come back and randomly assume that I like this person.

I tried telling her that I liked the iPhone 5S, but it was clear my defense wasn’t working, because then she and one of her friends went up to my crush and they started talking. I dunno what it was about, but this is bad. Really, REALLY bad.

Random Girl #1 owes me a piece of cheese pizza.

November 27

First of all, I’m gonna change the names for convenience. I’m gonna change it to somewhat like their real names, but not quite. (Very unoriginal, but making up names is too hard now) (Wow, this is gonna be hard getting used to this)

My crush = Jace (aw man, that’s his real name but I’m still gonna leave this up for anyone who knows me in real life. If you find this post and you know me in real life, congrats! You solved that not really mystery! For y’all KidzTalkers, too bad. The name I was gonna do was too similar to his real name so I decided to just put his real name down. It’s easier with me too.)

Gossip King = Dante

Other Person = Harper

Best friend = Emma

1’er = Charlotte

Crazy But Not = MacKenzie

Dabbing Mario = Zach

Freddy Fazbear = Sophia

Robotics partner = McKenna

Random Girl #1 = Piper

Alright. Let’s get started.

In ELA and social studies class, we changed seats. I was put in the back. You wouldn’t think this is bad, but it turns out Piper was in front of me. You know that Piper (formerly Random Girl #1) is convinced that I like Jace. And also, Jace was basically across the room now. (He was before)

In class, Piper gave me this look. I dunno how to describe it, but she clearly wanted to talk. She said that she knew who my crush is, and she repeated Jace’s name 10 times really quick. I asked her how she got that.

She said that I literally said that I liked Jace.

No, I never did. Not in real life anyways. (I am doing it right now on here but I know Piper does not use this) I told her that I didn’t and that there was no evidence supporting that I like Jace. Yeah, hugging someone (in this case my crush) twice for no reason is definitely not evidence. And trying to do five times isn’t evidence either.

Piper then said that she was gonna tell everyone that I liked Jace. I told her that she can spread her misinformation to anyone she wants. She ended up telling someone we’ll call Noah and also someone we will call Rowan.

Neither of them talked to me, but Rowan looked at me.

Also, me and McKenna were doing inventory and I stole Jace and Emma’s parts to finish the kit. Well, it turns out that their kit is missing a lot of parts now (I thought it was extra) and now I’m pretty sure both of them hate me.

It also sucks that we’re getting new robotics partners, because I doubt either of them want to partner with me.

November 28

Everything was going really well! Nobody bugged me, I got to play games on my computer, it was a great day for the Game of Love! I even got to do 7th grade math! (Yes, I basically skipped 6th grade, don’t ask how)

Okay, scratch that. It was like that until 5th period, robotics.

Since me and McKenna were done with inventory (organizing all the parts and counting them), we decided to help Piper and someone who we’ll call Scarlett. Me and McKenna were a little slow, but it was fine because we were helping them.

And then Jace came.

Piper decided to go over where Jace was and Piper practically hugged him. Then she came to me and she said that my crush was here. Then, we physically fought. Kind of.

At last, Piper and Scarlett came to where Jace was again and said that I liked him. I guess Piper and Scarlett didn’t tell Jace before because he shot a look at me. One where both his eyebrows were raised and he was looking straight at me.

Immediately after Piper and Scarlett told Jace that I liked him, I asked where they got it from. Piper said that I said it out loud and that I said that Jace was cute.

What the flip?

Also, I just realized that Jace might never look at me the same way, ever again.

Of course, I denied both of the “facts” that Piper mentioned. I then asked where she actually got it from.

She got it from the one and only Emma.

So that means that Dante told Emma and Emma told Piper.

Now I know that all of my problems can be traced back to Dante the gossip king. He is the mastermind behind all of this.

Now that’s interesting…

December 1

I was absent today. I was sick.

I hope nothing bad happened. But it’s the Game of Love, and I bet someone talked behind my back.

December 3

I’ve got the most genius idea EVER. When someone asks who my crush is, I’m just gonna tell them my CELEBRITY crush instead. I mean, it’s technically a crush, ain’t it? (When I have celebrity crushes, it’s just “oh, this person is so hot” and not deep love like real-life crushes)

By the way, my celebrity crush is Anthony Kiedis :)

December 6

It’s been a year, guys. A year since I started liking my current REAL crush (not my celebrity crush). 

There’s a candy cane sale going on, and you can buy tickets for other people so that the other people can claim their candy canes on delivery days.

Well, today was the first delivery day, and I bought a ticket for Jace yesterday. Well, guess what? Jace wasn’t here today.

I bet you anything that when Jace’s ticket got delivered, someone must’ve looked at who it came from. That meant that they saw that it was ME.

It’s been a year… the secret has been let out… (okay actually not but it’s REALLY close to being let out)

December 12

Today was the second delivery day for candy canes. And Jace was there.

Now everyone knows that I bought the ticket…

And I don’t regret a single thing.

December 15

Today was the last day of school. And since I have only have my crush’s Scratch username and NitroType username, and part of his Minecraft username, I probably won’t see or talk to him until 2024.

Until 2024…

December 26

On December 23, I posted a Scratch Christmas special. And no, this isn’t advertising: in this game, one of the missions was for people to guess who my crush was. In the comments. (Of course, the people will be guessing using Scratch usernames, because why not)

Nobody commented on that game yet. Maybe people will, maybe people won’t. But if my friends see the game, well…

The comment section will explode. Big time.

December 30

I have a genius idea. So for Christmas, one of the gifts I got was a diary with a lock. Usually, I wouldn’t like it since someone WILL eventually find out my secrets (same thing with this post, but despite the huge risk I’m updating this). But I love this particular diary because it’s just what I need for The Game of Love.

I’m gonna write in my diary and pretend that it’s my real love journal and that all my love secrets are stored in there. I’m gonna “reveal” my crush by saying that there’s a big secret at the end and it’s who my crush is.

But instead of me revealing my crush, I just trick people into thinking that I was seriously gonna do that.

This is perhaps the most genius idea yet, and it’s definitely gonna work. Now, we just need to wait…

January 2, 2024

I haven’t updated this since last year, I can’t believe it…

Anyways, now that it’s 2024, I have successfully liked Jace for three consecutive years!

Okay, so here’s where today’s drama happens. In robotics, we started getting ready for the competition. And to do that, we needed to choose new partners. So McKenna is no longer my robotics partner.

Jace is.

And when your robotics partner is someone who everyone thinks you like (and you do), well, there’s some problems…

For one thing, I hugged Jace. And I’m guessing Piper and someone we’re gonna call Olivia noticed, because immediately after I hugged Jace, they were like, “Do you like Jace?”

And of course, here lies my weakness: I blush. And I never lie about who I like.

So of course, they easily picked up that I do indeed like Jace. And then they called me his girlfriend… skull Like come on, I’ve never dated anyone, ever! And as far as I know, Jace isn’t dating anyone either!

It’s really obvious that I like Jace. And there is absolutely no reason to not admit it, but I’m not gonna admit it.

For now.

January 4

I forgot to tell you that yesterday, I broke up with Bing AI and I told McKenna (who somehow believed the entire time that I actually had a crush on Bing AI) that I broke up with Bing AI and that I never liked Bing AI in the first place. Of course, she called me “evil”.

But we’re still friends. And we will always be friends.

Also, I just found out that whenever I hug Jace, he won’t be here the next day.


January 5

I’m 72% sure that Piper is shipping me and Jace, since she calls Jace my boyfriend (when I don’t have one) and me Jace’s girlfriend (and I doubt he has a girlfriend). Either she’s shipping us, or she’s just trying to annoy us.

Also, right when robotics started, of course, I’m partners with Jace, and you know how Piper reacts…

So today, we physically fought. And of course, she kept calling Jace my boyfriend. And then when we were about done fighting, she basically told Jace something along the lines (but not exactly, duh) of, “Sorry, your girlfriend’s being rough.” Yeah, no.

The school dance (again) is coming up in 2 weeks. And of course, my friend group wants me to ask someone out. But it turns out MacKenzie STILL thinks that I like AI, because she thinks that I’m gonna ask AI out.

I ended up asking a raisin box out to the dance and the raisin box agreed. So I’m going to the dance with my brand-new boyfriend, a raisin box.

Pretty incredible for me. And also, I don’t have an actual boyfriend, but you know me in The Game of Love…

January 8

Today was a pretty minor day, not a lot happened, but let’s go through it anyways.

Okay, so the first of the big things I did was tell Emma about the diary. Of course, we could sit wherever we wanted again in 1st (and 2nd, but this happened in 1st) period, so Emma sat next to me. I told Emma about how I have a diary and it has all of my secrets in it. She asked me if it was locked, and it is. I also told her that I might bring it to school, and Emma told me that she was interested in the diary.

That means Emma is about to fall for a HUGE trap. (If you read my December 30 entry, then you know that the diary is fake)

But that’s not it…

Okay, so you know that Piper and Olivia are both convinced that I like Jace. Or were.

“One minute, everyone thinks I like Jace, and the next minute, they’re shipping me and Ezra!” - me to Emma

(By the way, Ezra’s real name isn’t Ezra, but it’s similar) And guess who told me that they shipped me with Ezra? Olivia! And there’s a good chance that Piper also ships me with Ezra, and some other people of Piper’s friend group are probably shipping me with Ezra too. I know that because one of them was trying to get my attention. I couldn’t her them though. (This is 1st period by the way)

You might think that it’s bad, and it is in some ways. I don’t like Ezra, and I know Ezra doesn’t like me. Ezra obviously likes someone else.

But this is actually really good, because while Piper and Olivia (well actually not sure about Piper but definitely Olivia) are shipping me with Ezra, I can just tell Jace that I like him! It doesn’t matter if he likes me back or not, they’ll be shocked either way! And of course, I’ve managed to get people to believe that I like AI so they’ll be surprised too!

Which leads us to the final thing that happened.

It was lunch time, and I was sitting with Emma, MacKenzie, McKenna, Charlotte, and others. Emma and MacKenzie were discussing who I was gonna ask out. Emma said that I was gonna ask out the ceiling and there was a little chat about how the ceiling didn’t move. Then, MacKenzie thought that I would ask AI out.

And I told them that I already asked a raisin box out and the raisin box already agreed. And of course, MacKenzie laughed because I am the class clown. (It’s actually part of The Game of Love, but there’s obviously funny parts)

Of course, I’m not about to ask Jace out. He didn’t even go to the last dance, so I doubt he’ll go to this one.

Which reminds me of…

January 9

As if yesterday was big, today was even bigger…

We got new seats in 1st and 2nd period (I have the same teacher for both). And it turns out that Jace is to the right of person behind the person behind me. Man, I wonder what people are gonna think now…

In between lunch and 3rd period (testing was the first 2 hours of school day), I told McKenna that I was now dating ChatGPT. We laughed about how I was gonna go to the dance, pull out my phone, and tell everyone that that is my boyfriend.

My plan is working pretty well. So far.

Next, before school, in the library, Emma once again reminded me that she knew who I liked. MacKenzie said that I liked AI, again.

Emma told MacKenzie that it was a real person, and not AI. And Emma is right, because this whole me dating AI is a hoax that I created!

Well, it turns out that Emma actually told MacKenzie who I liked (I never told anyone who I liked except for the people reading this). MacKenzie forgot who Emma was talking about at first, but she knows now…

In last period PE (the last thing I’m gonna talk about happened earlier, but still), we played badminton. But I’m not gonna include a friendly unrelated badminton match in a love journal. That would be in a sports journal, which I do not currently have.

No, I’m gonna talk about what happened when half my team (including me) was sitting out.

So, someone we’re gonna call Ava asked me if I was homophobic. I told her that I wasn’t homophobic and that I supported the LGBT+ community. I also told her that I was asexual (I am, there’s no lying here). So I came out! rainbow

And of course, she supported me because she’s also part of the community (she is lesbian). So of course, me and Ava talked about the LGBT+ community. It turns out her ex-girlfriend was/is also asexual, and asexual peeps (or at least me) feel romantic attraction but not sexual attraction, so Ava asked me,

“So, who do you feel romantic attraction towards?”

Wow, what a great way to tie in crushes and being asexual.

Of course, Emma was there too, and she asked me if my crush’s name began with J. I never provided an answer, but immediately, Ava asked me if I liked Jace.

Pretty soon, Emma, Ava, and Charlotte were all dogs, trying to find out who my crush was and getting my attention. They were guessing 3 people (including Jace), whose names each had J as the first letter.

I told them that it could be NONE of them and they seemed to quiet down.

But that’s not all…

I asked McKenna to join KidzTalk. And she probably will, but she has no idea how to ask a question. And I also told her about this post.

Which means that there isn’t really a point in not sharing McKenna’s real name anymore.

Introducing… McKenzie.

But wait, someone else’s name that I gave them (not their real name) is MacKenzie, so I’ll be changing MacKenzie (not McKenzie) to Madison.

McKenna = McKenzie

MacKenzie = Madison

Soon, McKenzie will read this. And she’ll find out exactly who I like. She might tell all my friends about this and who I really like, she might not.

But there’s one thing for sure: The Game of Love is like a game of Jenga: You take out one brick at a time, and you hope that the structure doesn’t fall down. Well, for me, I have a lot of Jena bricks supported only by the world’s tiniest Jenga brick — and soon, the structure will fall down and everyone will know.

Well, McKenzie, if you’re reading this, might as well answer your thoughts on this.

January 10

PsychoSloth is right. My friends ARE determined, big time.

This situation takes place at lunch. So I sat with the people who I usually sit with. Today, someone who we shall name Grayson was also there, for a reason. But I’m not gonna share it, for now.

So we were eating in peace, until one of the people at the table (probably Emma) decided to ask me who I liked. Well, Grayson said that he had a theory. Right after Grayson said that he had a theory, Emma decided to ask him what letter my supposed crush’s name began with.

Of course, Grayson said that it began with a J. We all knew who Grayson was talking about, since there’s one person whose name starts with a J and I hang out with them a lot. Y’all should know by now who I’m talking about.

And then, Madison (formerly MacKenzie) told me that everybody knew who I liked. But there’s no way McKenzie knows, since I am 90% sure she legitimately believes that I’m dating ChatGPT.

But after Madison told me that everybody knew who I liked, she said that I liked AI. That could only mean that Madison has a huge plan.

She’s leading me to think that she thinks that I have a crush on AI, when in reality, she thinks that I like Jace.

Aw man.

Later, in robotics, I was working alone, since Jace wasn’t here. Probably about 10 minutes into me working alone, someone who we’ll call Riley decided to test her robot next to the one I was building. (I was building a claw attachment and you have to deconstruct the entire robot) Of course, she asked if I was working alone. I said that I was.

Then, she proceeds to tell me multiple times that I like Jace. And Riley found out that I had a crush in the first place 2 days ago! (Okay, there’s a lotta names so I might’ve accidentally used 2 fake names for 1 person, I might as well make a list now)

Dante the Gossip King is a tiny problem now. Piper and Olivia are annoying, but they aren’t too big of a problem.

The real problem, is my friends. Emma, Madison, Riley, Charlotte, and Ava. (Not McKenzie since she thinks that I like AI) Those people (especially Emma, Madison, and Charlotte) are determined to find out who I like.

And they have. In fact, everybody knows who I like. Maybe even Jace knows.

January 11

After all these big events that happened recently, you’d think that something HUGE happened today.

But nothing happened. All my friends (and I mean friend group, I have a LOT of friends) were talking about (as far as I know) was what dress to get for the dance. We’re all gonna wear red or black dresses. (I’m getting a red dress)

But wait…

There’s a reason my friends are approaching me about who I like. And more importantly, together.

My friends might have a secret alliance that I don’t know. I’m gonna call it the Secret Squad. Okay, so the Secret Squad meets in the library at lunch, when I’m outside. They talk about who I like, and maybe how to get them to tell me who I like.

There’s three types of days, an attack day (when they approach me about my crush), a planning day (when they don’t approach me and instead plan), and a chill day (when they don’t do anything related to my love life). Considering that tomorrow marks a week before the dance, it was probably a planning day today.

And the other thing: I don’t really like wearing dresses, but this is a semi-formal dance, so we have to wear dresses (for girls). And I’m gonna try and get a new red dress, so…

I MIGHT (and I said might) ask my crush out to the dance. Of course, my crush didn’t attend the last dance so I doubt he’ll attend this one. Might try anyways.

But if I do, I’m not gonna tell my friends until the next day.

Because secrecy wins over transparency in The Game of Love. At least, for my playing style.

January 17

Not much has happened in the past few days. My crush hasn’t been here in a week, and Piper has been leaving me alone, for the most part.

And I’m not gonna ask out my crush to the dance, for a few reasons:

1. He hasn’t been here in a week.

2. The last day to buy tickets is tomorrow, and I doubt he’ll be here tomorrow.

3. Regardless of if my crush does or does not want to go with me, everybody will find out that I asked him out. The problem with that is that nearly everyone thinks that I like him, and most people assume that if for example a girl asks a boy out, then the girl likes the boy. And since I can’t really deny at that point, that means part 1 of The Game of Love would end.

And I do not want that part to end. For now.

(I will talk more about the different parts of The Game of Love tomorrow if I remember)

January 19

I told y’all that I would go over the different parts of The Game of Love, and I’ll do that right now.

Part 0: In this part, you don’t even have a crush! I’ve been in this part from when I was born until April 2022. It’s really easy to prevent people from spoiling your crush (like they tell other people who you like) because you don’t even have one.

Pretty easy to play incognito mode when you don’t have a crush.

Part 1: Part 1 is when you have a crush, but you aren’t dating them yet. I’ve been in this part for 1 year and 9 months. (The first 8 months I liked someone else, and the other 13 months I liked Jace) There’s a lot of strategies you can use during this part. For basically from when I first started this part to about 3 months ago, I went incognito mode. Nobody even knew that I had a crush.

That is, until I told my friends that I liked someone. And then things went crazy.

I don’t have a name yet for the path I’m taking right now, but let‘s just say that it’s crazy, and I’m indirectly telling the whole world that I like Jace.

Part 2: This is the part where you’re dating people. It’s near impossible to play incognito mode on this part because other people WILL get suspicious.

I am pretty sure that 100% of middle school relationships end in a breakup. So, what’s even the point of dating?

Well, there is a point. You can make YOUR relationship last… forever.

Part 3a: Ever noticed why there’s an “a”? Well, there’s two different Part 3’s.

This one is when you and your partner break up. There’s probably gonna be a lot of sadness, and unless you’re a world-class expert, you can’t go incognito mode. It’s really obvious.

I’ve done a little study* and I’ve found that 100% of middle school relationships end in Part 3a. Pretty sad, huh?

* - I didn’t really do a study, I just guessed.

Part 3b: Now THIS gets interesting! I don’t think anyone at my school (at least the students, the adults have been in this part) has been in this part!

It’s called engagement!

There’s basically no point in playing incognito mode, since most everyone will notice that you and your partner are engaged.

And now on to the last part…

Part 4: Marriage, folks. Very few people under 18 go into this part (with consent).

Now of course, I’m not married, so I can’t really provide an in-depth explanation of this part. But it’s impossible to play incognito mode, because why would you?

Part 5: I lied, guys. This is the last part.

You would think that part 5 is divorce, but that falls under part 3a. This, my friends, is the mystery part, and nobody knows about it…

And nobody will. For now.

January 22

Alright, guys! It’s Apple Breakfast! The new Vision Pro—

Oh wait, this is The Game of Love, not Macworld. Oops.

Well, setting that aside, I’m gonna first talk to y’all about the winter dance on Friday.

It was REALLY fun. Of course, some of my friends danced with their crushes. But I didn’t, because my crush wasn’t even at the dance. Again.

Last dance, I had a threat, the one and only Dante. Back then, Dante was the main enemy in The Game of Love but he hasn’t bothered me about Jace in a long time. This dance, I had no threats, even though Piper was there.

And since the big events of January 5 to January 10, nobody (save Piper) asked me who I liked. Which is good, for now.

But if nobody is bothering me now, then later, they’re gonna bother me. Big time.

And I know they’re gonna bother me. Y’all (even though most of the people reading this don’t even live in my state) should have definitely seen me in robotics. I hugged my crush several times, and if somebody else saw it, they’re definitely gonna use it against me.

But I have no regrets, because I’m a lover.

A big lover. heart

January 25

3 months and 13 upvotes. I never would’ve guessed that 13 people like this love journal.

Okay, setting that aside, we have a little problem.

The people at my school love to ship people. And of course, Piper said that she shipped me and someone else today. Usually, I would just ignore it, because they’re horribly wrong.

But the problem is that Piper is shipping me and Jace.

I’m just gonna dismiss that for now since people are horribly wrong about shipping and they just like annoying people, but if this continues, then… angry_smile

Moving on to the next part.

It could not have been more obvious that I like Jace. I hug him WAY too much, we’re literal robotics partners, and I’m pretty sure everyone is getting the idea that I like Jace. But they still bug me about it.

In that case, I have a solution.

Introducing… Operation Anti-Secret.

Everyone is bugging me about who I like, so I’m giving them the answer! That way, they’ll find out and stop bugging me!

But wait. There’s a catch.

I’m only gonna give out my crush online. So the people will get the answer, but they’ll have to find it. It’s a REALLY bad idea and it will not end well, but do I care? Not really.

Operation: Anti-Secret starts tomorrow, my half-birthday. And it’s gonna be REAL fun.

If only I could play it out. Because that never seems to happen.

January 29

You would think that I gave out my crush online, but I didn’t. Nobody asked me online, and I didn’t see anywhere saying, “Yo! Who’s your crush!” (That isn’t celebrity crush)

So let’s just yeet that out of the way and move on, for once.

So firstly, Piper thinks that me and McKenzie are dating, when we’re actually really close friends. Of course, Piper is the one who spreads “rumors” that I like Jace, so of course I don’t believe her.


Today in 1st period, we got new seats, and it turns out Piper was sitting behind me. And we don’t get along, which applies to later.

My mom was driving me home and she asked if I got along with everyone. I told her that I don’t get along with Piper. (Of course I said Piper’s real name but I’m not gonna tell you guys that)

She asked why I didn’t get along with Piper. I told her (my mom) that it was because Piper was spreading rumors about a lot of people, specifically me. (That’s what it felt like, and Piper does spread rumors about a lot of people)

My mom asked what the rumors were about. I told her that it was that I like someone, and I also told her that I don’t like anyone. (Like in a crush way, I’m not the most insensitive person ever)

My mom asked who Piper thinks I like.

“She [Piper] thinks that I like Jace, and I don’t!”

Yes, I said that I don’t like Jace to my mom. And of course, my mom is gonna tell my dad.

You would think that this is not good, but my parents think that I don’t like Jace, when, in reality, I have an infinitely big crush on him.

February 7

I haven’t updated this in a while because nothing was really happening, other than the fact that Jace was gone for 5 days (he came back yesterday). And that I thought he was dead today until he came in late.

Anyways, today is the first day of the Valentine’s Day candy sale (I forgot the name of the candy but it’s something like Sweethearts). Of course, knowing me, I got 50 cents and I bought a ticket for Jace. And only Jace. (You can write a note on the back this time, I just wrote “Here you go!” with a happy stick figure)

And since today was the first day, McKenzie decided to ask me if I liked anyone other than AI. (She still believes the AI hoax) I told her, “maybe”.

But then I told her that I would tell her who my celebrity crush is.

McKenzie guessed Elon Musk. Wrong, even though that was reasonable since I have a sci-fi book featuring Elon Musk.

Zach guessed a stick figure. I also said no, but Emma said that I did like a stick figure. Seeing as how I love stick figures, you would think that was true, but there’s no celebrities that are stick figures. Only humans, and some animals like the bears who win the fattest bear contest.

I am surprisingly still hanging on after 14 months. Even if it could not be more obvious that I like Jace and even if a lot of people know it, there’s still people out there that don’t know.

Heck, there’s people out there that don’t even know that I exist!

February 8

Just when I think the Jenga structure falls down big time, it’s still standing. Somehow.

And how is my Apple Pencil at 80% when I haven’t even used it?

Yeeting that aside, today at lunch, my friends approached me about the candy sale.

I don’t remember all of it, but I know this:

My friends were talking about who they were gonna get the candy for. I said that I already bought one and that the one I bought was the only one. Then, Emma asked me who I bought it for. I didn’t tell her, and she thought that I bought one for myself. I told Emma that I didn’t, but she asked me if I put my name on it. I said that I did (I actually did, on the “from” side), and it seems that Emma thinks that I bought one for myself when in reality, I bought one for Jace.

All of this talk made Madison look at me like she knew who I bought it for. Probably because she does know.

So I told my friends that I had a boyfriend named Bob the stick figure. My friends didn’t believe me, so I told them that I was gonna bring him in tomorrow, if I remember. (I told them that Bob is very good at escaping)

That means I’m gonna draw Bob the stick figure and actually bring the drawing in tomorrow. It’s like the time I gave away money, but it’s even better.

Life is going great right now. Of course, until someone notices that I’m hugging Jace multiple times per day. Which, surprisingly, no one (except Piper, but that was one time) has noticed.

Not even the teacher has noticed. And the teacher will never notice. Until he does.

February 9

To all the real-time people, wassup!

Anyways, today was yet another chaotic day, this time starting in 1st period.

We had this assignment called invention madness where we rank Mesopotamian inventions, tournament style. The teacher told us not to share our brackets, but we did anyways.

First, I show my bracket to one of my friends who was sitting next to me. I ranked the invention of board games as the best invention while my friend ranked the wheel (I think) as the best.

Then, Jace walks over to my computer. He sees that I ranked the board game one the best, and he tells me to change it to the plow. I told him that no, I wasn’t gonna change it, so of course I grabbed ahold of him and basically hugged him. Again.

Immediately after that, Piper approached me. She saw me hugging Jace, so she said, “You like Jace!” 

I told her to stay quiet twice, and she said that I sweared. (Well, I said up and then the word before that) Turns out someone else (I think Olivia is her name on here) said that a lot of people in the school sweared.

Now Piper was telling me that she can help me get with him. Nah, I don’t need help, and plus, I don’t trust her. Then, she said, “‘putting your man in a choke hold!” Okay, I don’t even know what a choke hold is and I don’t even have a flipping boyfriend. Bye-bye!

Fast forward to lunch. I showed some people Bob the stick figure, but nobody really seemed to be paying any attention. (Emma said that Bob was terrible, Madison just stared) 

Success? I dunno.

Now it’s the end of PE, and this is where things are a little crazy. Emma and Charlotte approached me, and Charlotte asked if I had a crush. Emma said that yes, I did. Then, Charlotte said that she knew who it was. Emma said that no one (but me) knows for sure, but she said that she knew who the most likely person was. Which is obviously Jace.

So Emma asked me to rate how much I like my crush, on a scale of 10 to 20, 10 being just friends and 20 being obsession. I said a 19.

I also said that there was only one piece of evidence (this post) that says who my crush is. Emma said that him not being at either dance was also a piece of evidence, but that’s just something that helps narrow it down.

Man, everyone thinks that I like Jace, well, guess what? I do! So just stop bugging me about it, guys. There’s more interesting stuff out there.

Like Elon Musk.

February 23

I haven’t updated this in a while. That’s because nothing interesting really happened until recently.

Okay, so yesterday, I jokingly told McKenzie that I was dating myself. Well, she legitimately thought that I was dating myself. Luckily, she doesn’t think I’m gay, which I’m not.

However, a few other people do.

Me and McKenzie are REALLY close friends, and as such, we hug each other a lot. Well, some people think we’re dating even though both of us have crushes on boys. (Well, I’m pretty sure McKenzie is dating someone) 

And Piper just so happens to be one of those people. (my foot fell asleep help me...)

She thinks that me and McKenzie are gay and dating. Well, at the same time, she thinks that I’m dating myself. And her excuse for me dating myself is that I couldn’t get Jace as a boyfriend. Bro, I haven’t even TRIED.

But wait... what if I did try?

I mean, that’s basically telling Jace that I like him and that means everyone in the world is gonna find out. But as long as I don’t get his number and I’m lucky enough that my friends don’t text me about him (we don’t really chat about romance, only who’s going with who to the dance), then my parents won’t know a single thing.

For now.

The other problem with me admitting it is that there’s absolutely no way to tell him privately. We hang out at school, and only school. And the latest news about romance spreads like wildfire.

But, this is where YOU come in!

I’m gonna make a poll on here about this situation, and YOU guys will decide what I do! It’s like a Choose Your Own Adventure game - whatever option is the majority is the option that I will do.

It’s gonna be fun. Until Piper ruins it, which she always does.

March 23

We’re in a void of nothingness, the secret is still in the vault, and there’s no time now…

This is my horrible love edition parody of Snow.

Anyways, someone said that I was dumb when it came to love.

You think I’m dumb at love? Dude, I’ve liked someone for over a year and for ten months, nobody even THOUGHT of the idea that I had a crush. And heck, the only reason you even know now is because I decided to tell my friends one day that I liked someone! It’s not like I told them who I was…

At least not directly, because INDIRECTLY, on the other hand…

April 10

Today was a peaceful day. Very peaceful, except when it’s not.

And it wasn’t peaceful. Not one bit.

I was in the library, like I always am before school. I sat down at one of the tables, where Emma and another one of my friends were. We chatted about ordinary stuff, and soon Madison came.

And then Charlotte came.

Charlotte brought a magic 8 ball. She was asking several questions to it, and then Madison was using it. Then, someone else (I believe Riley, it’s very hard to keep track of fake names) used it.

Then, I asked to use it.

I asked the question in my head for obvious reasons. I shook the ball, and the magic 8 ball said “most likely”.

Conveniently enough, the question I asked was, “Does Jace like me?”

According to this magic 8 ball, apparently Jace probably likes me. Which isn’t very helpful since I have already concluded in June 2023 that he probably likes me.

But that ain’t even all…

In second period, Dante was asking everyone in the class who they hated the most. I said Piper.

Boy was Piper surprised. And very annoyed. So when Dante asked her who she hated the most (in the school), she said me. (Well she obviously said my name but that’s a FBI secret)

Then, Dante asked who everybody’s crushes were. When he got to me, he asked if I had a crush. I told him that yes, I do. (So did half the class, it’s very well-known that I like someone)

Dante then asked me if he was hot. I told him that yes, he is hot.

Then, he asked me if my crush was really, REALLY hot. And I told him yes.

By then, a few people were concerned that I was gonna tell Dante who I liked. Now obviously, I won’t. Dante then asked me if my crush is a boy.

I just told him that what it is, is what it is.

Because what it is, is what it is.

And that’s a fact.

April 12

Today’s my cake day!

Anyways, as impending doom comes closer and closer, I’m starting to think of the consequences of me telling Jace that I like him.

Let’s see…

I’ve already convinced my parents that I don’t like Jace. Now, even if me and Jace were to be dating, it would still be easy to tell my parents that I don’t like Jace. After all, I don’t have his phone number or any way of contacting him, except Scratch. And he NEVER goes on Scratch.

But would it be completely undercover? Probably not. Because…

From what I’ve seen, Jace tells his mom EVERYTHING. Which is a minor problem. Luckily, my parents can’t really contact Jace’s parents. But I often see Jace at grocery stores with his parents, and that’s gonna be a problem.

So, what do I do? For now, I’m still thinking of a plan. I’ll probably just tell my parents that it’s a hoax, should the topic of us dating makes its way to my parents.

Also, I have absolutely no idea of what my parent’s dating expectations are. I might ask sometime, but I’ll just tell them that it would be useful for when I’m in high school, when I might like someone. (When in reality it’s useful RIGHT NOW)

But that’s assuming Jace likes me in the first place. If he doesn’t, oh well. I’ll probably be minorly sad but seeing as how we’ve been friends for YEARS, I wouldn’t cry all day.

Or would I…

Anyways, back to what happened today.

I was on the track, in PE. It was an exercise where you walked the corners, sprinted the middle of the straights, and jogged before and after sprinting. Well, I was probably on my 2nd or 3rd lap when I just got to the walking part. Guess what?

Jace was behind me, all by himself! And nobody was near us!

I was thinking, I have to do it. I have to tell Jace that I like him.

It was a now or never moment. I could either overcome everything and tell Jace that I like him, or I can just continue jogging without telling him.

I chose never.

Immediately after choosing that, I regretted it. Turns out Jace was now exercising with someone else and I couldn’t tell him the master secret with someone else right next to him. That’s something a fool would do.

But that was short-term.

Right now, I still don’t know if I made a good decision or a bad one.

Because guess what? Now if I want any chance, I’ll have to tell Jace that I like him, in robotics.

In front of everyone.

Anyways, story time!

One time, it was June 2022. I had a different crush at the time, let’s call him… Mason. (Wait, have I used that? I dunno, probably, I don’t know. If I have, then this Mason shall be called Logan. I know I haven’t used that name)

I had liked Mason for about 2 months. 9 year-old me was planning to tell Mason that I liked him at lunch. Now obviously, today me would never do that, because there was 9999999 people who could hear everything. Everybody was convinced I didn’t like anyone, though, just because I told Emma in March 2022 that I didn’t like anyone. (And I didn’t then)

Each day, I would plan to tell Mason that I liked him at lunch. But guess what? At lunch, I forget to. And it repeats over and over again.

Until one day, there is no more lunch.

It was a now or never moment.

I chose never.

It ended up being one of the best decisions I ever made.

April 17

Today is rather ordinary. Sure, there’s a little bug and that’s why I haven’t posted my campaign yet. But whatever!

I was planning today to tell Jace that I like him.

And I did.

But not the way I was expecting…

Would telling Jace in real life work? No, because we’re basically NEVER alone.

What about e-mail? Nope. He never checks his e-mail.

So, what COULD I do?

Easy: a Google doc! Which is NOT what I was expecting.

Since me and Jace are robotics partners, I made a robotics document that has information about the competition challenges, what ones we need to do (we did them all now), etc. I was the only one on the document until Jace finally opened the document today.

I made him an editor, but for some reason, he could only comment. (I know he had editor status, Jace is just dumb sometimes LOL) So guess what? He made a comment on one of the things I put down, below the “WORK NEEDED!!” part.

Then, it escalated into World War III.

Well, not really. It was just him stating he’s funny and me stating he’s not. I got an ally (McKenzie) and he got an ally (Emma).

That went on and on, until class ended.

I still haven’t told him that I liked him by then.

6th period happened (it was Norwegian Team Run, the exercise that makes me the most exhausted) and soon, school was over.

Then, I got home, and what did I do? Reopen the robotics document.

I went back to the comment section and I decided to type in some filler content, including about how there were psychic spies at my door.

Yeah, you know the deal.

Then, I typed this:

“Standing in line to see the show tonight

“And there’s a light on

“Heavy glow”

“By the way, I tried to say…


“I like you jace *smirks*

As of typing this sentence, it’s been 15 minutes since I typed it. 16 minutes now.

As for me? I’ll just see how long it takes before the world self-destructs.

Because after all, nothing can go wrong. Riiiiiiiiiight?

April 18

I was wrong.

Here I am just chilling in social studies, 1st period. Okay, the bell rings and nothing happens.

Soon, it’s 2nd period, ELA.

We once again formed in groups, and today, we were working on our two body paragraphs for argumentative writing. (I only did one because my paragraphs are gonna be VERY long)

Most of the people in my group went to the other side of the classroom and sat down. Most, because Jace was already sitting there.

As soon as I entered the other side, Jace shot me a look.

A look that told me everything.

I sat down (not next to Jace) and everyone began working. And until ELA was almost over, we were just working in peace.

It turns out Ezra was sitting next to Jace. So you know what Jace did? He pulled up the robotics document and told Ezra about the ENTIRE conversation. So now Jace and Ezra know that I like Jace.

Meanwhile, I entered a state of panic. I talked to the person behind me, who we’re gonna call Eleanor. I told Eleanor that I was dead meat. 

Boy was Eleanor confused.

She must’ve thought that I was the most crazy person on Earth. Luckily, she asked me if I wanted to walk to class with her. I accepted because I had to get away from Jace.

But Eleanor doesn’t know that.

As soon as I entered my next class to begin 3rd period, Jace came up to me and said this (not exactly): “I can’t wait to tell my mom about what you typed!”

By now, Jace has definitely told his mom. And seeing as how it’s almost guaranteed his mom is coming to the robotics competition and my dad is also going there… I’m dead meat.

Jace probably told more people that I liked him, because all of a sudden…

It was robotics. And I was gonna test to see if a challenge worked.

The teacher requires both you and your robotics partner to be there when your robot gets tested (by you or your partner). When it was my turn to test, Jace was talking to one of his friends.

I told Jace to come to the table and also dragged him.

Guess what? The person who he was talking to said, “Yeah, go talk to your girlfriend”.

Jace just stood there for a second, and then went, “NOOO!”

Then he came to me and we tested.

Did Jace tell me whether he liked me or not? No, but I don’t think he does at this point. He could though, so I’m not gonna end yet.

Does Jace know that I like him? Yes, and therefore, my mission has been accomplished.

Do my friends know that I told Jace that I like him? No, unless they do know and they’re really good at keeping secrets. But I know they aren’t, so they don’t know yet.

Am I doomed? Most likely.

But there’s only one thing I know: I’m going insane.

Scratch that, I’m already insane.

And there’s no going back.

April 30

The robotics competition was good. 12th place, 102 points.

Now obviously, the enemy for me was Jace’s mom.

Jace’s mom gave me the look, the look that tells you everything. I was thinking that I was dead meat.

But she didn’t say a word to me or my parents about me liking Jace, so that was good. Sure, I lost my appetite after the competition due to being upset, but whatever!

Once we got back to school, we could either keep our current robotics partner or get a new one. I got a new robotics partner, who is Ava.

And for the most part, it was good. Except one thing…

I jokingly proposed (right before me and Jace were to take apart our robot, Rodney) to Rodney, and I made him accept, and McKenzie then made a joke about me and Rodney having kids. And Jace said that he was actually kind of glad if that would happen.

But that ain’t all…

Just today, I was once again begging Jace to friend me on Roblox, since we both have Roblox and I want to play Roblox with him SO BADLY! 

Unfortunately, Dante was right behind me. He said that me and him (Dante) were already Roblox friends, and we are. I told Dante that I was talking to Jace.

He said, “Your boyfriend?”

Of course I said, “No” because we aren’t dating.

Dante then said that he shipped me and Jace and that we look cute together. Jace was like, “NOOOO!!!” and I went, “Oh gosh…” because I’m tired of all this shipping.

So, the question is, does Jace like me? Probably not.

Do I like him? Yeah.

I’ve realized what I’ve done over the past 6 months was idiotic. What’s the point of scrambling to keep a secret when at the same time, you’re telling everyone the secret? Heck, I think Jace used to like me but now he doesn’t solely because of me.

I don’t know what, but even if Jace doesn’t like me, I’ve got the journey to back me up. The Game of Love is a very difficult and rewarding game; you have to endure hardships and heart-breaking, but once you do, you get the reward. For some, it’s a life-long partner. For others, it’s simply wisdom.

Me? I think you already know what I’ve learned. I learned from my mistakes that I’ve made. And more, but I’m up past my bedtime.

And this, my friends, concludes the Game of Love. After six months of chaos and doom, it’s over.

But wait, does Jace like me?

Oh no, it’s coming back to haunt me…


There is no more, you can stop reading.

Might as well give feedback for this.

13 Answers

+1 vote
by (116k points)
+1 vote
by (34.4k points)
I love this monologue and I am so here for it
+1 vote
by (137k points)
Well, I hope you get what you want in the end!


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19 answers 1.1k views
asked Jun 22, 2017 in Fun Stuff by #Fayplay!#Cindystrong
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1 answer 186 views
asked Sep 30, 2016 in Technology by Cow Boy (40.3k points)
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asked May 21, 2016 in Games / Toys by moshi

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