+4 votes
in Mental Health by

so, it is actually carly.

I have a question. what are some coping stragedies that I can do to stop worrying about growing up and dying. it has gotten at the point where I cant even do daily actvivites without fearing this. I am looking for a coping stragedy that can make my mind busy. I like Art, Nordic stuff, Genealogy and watching YouTube Videos. Also, I recently bought a coloring book about Sweden and a Snufkin (a Moomin Character) thats coming in the 4th of December so im pretty excited about that. 

btw, plz dont tell me to tell my mom (why my mom? well because my parents are divorced and my mom lives with me) because I am worried that she will get mad at me or cry. how do I end this

Also, I am signed out because I do not want to post anything involving this on my profile, it feels out of character

5 Answers

0 votes
hey! It's okay to feel this way, growing up can feel hard, and dying 100%. try searching up good things about growing up, and it probably will make you feel better. ( i've done it before )

or, go search up, how is it really like to be an adult? quora and it will show you some answers. look at the positive answers, not the negatives. that's it, but i hope it gets better!
+1 vote
by (790k points)
+1 vote
by (167k points)
Do those things to keep you busy. (Art, Nordic stuff, genealogy, and watching YouTube).

Or just let out your thoughts by writing them down or through art.
by (790k points)
well, they dont really keep me busy. Im talking about something that wouldnt let me hear my thoughts
by (167k points)
Try something new then and see if u like it
+1 vote
by (549k points)
Do those coloring things with all the tiny spaces.

Talk to your guidance counselor. He/she will probably be able to help you better than some random child. I KNOW THEY MAY TELL UR MOM. BUT, THEY'LL BE ABLE TO HELP BETTER THAN MOST PEOPLE HERE.
+1 vote
by (790k points)
this is me guys

i seriously need some

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