+5 votes
in Other by (116k points)

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (161k points)
Best answer
100%, last time i checked he was 17 and he could become a mod in 2 or more years (i wouldn’t think that 18 year olds could become mods).

If i had to guess, Duke is probably preparing to launch his “company for other companies”, as quoted for him, and is probably planning for the changing of his first and last names. He is also planning for his invasion of russia with a slingshot and two chihuahuas, along with his world domination plan to conquer the world with a 1911 pistol and a machete. Oh, and his plan to colonize mars with a 2007 Honda Ridgeline, a Remmington 870, and a shovel. Also his plan to find the Megalodon. And can’t forget his plan of taking a sample of a black hole and creating a black hole containment and research center. And his plan to turn the moon into cheese. AND HIS PLAN TO-
by (167k points)
by (116k points)
Bro nice answer
by (968k points)
+2 votes
by (968k points)
Actually, I’m pretty sure he will.
by (116k points)
Is that even possible?
by (968k points)
by (116k points)


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