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so basically my three besties: Raisin, Dragon Fruit, and Apple are all friends in my 5th period. one time Apple was collecting our color pencils since it was two minutes before 6th period, but Raisin was still using hers. " Raisin said " wait don't take these color pencils they're mine " but Apple i guess didn't hear her or something so she just took them and put them in the class color pencil box. Raisin got so mad at Apple and said " i told u not take them these are my color pencils from home " Apple said ' my bad " Raisin was so upset that she left walked to her next period by herself instead of walking in the halls with us. the next day Raisin apparently told Apple to " kill yourself " since Raisin was mad. Now Raisin ignores Apple, Dragon Fruit and i. i personally think that i know Apple didnt do the right thing but Raisin took it WAY to far by telling her that. I really need advice to help solve this so my friend group doesn't fall apart. AGAIN. Helppppppppppppp!
the weird things was that today they acted like nothing happened but its not like im complaining
For me honestly I would ignore her, but if you really want to be her friend again tell her that Apple didn't here it, but again if me I would defend Apple if Rasin said anything bad about her again.

3 Answers

0 votes
by (27.2k points)
make em say sorry make sure rasin gets colored pencils back
0 votes
by (69.6k points)
Im sorry but raisin is being a tad dramatic
i know right!!!!!!!!!!
0 votes
by (550k points)
Welp, you could just find an activity all of u can do together

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