+6 votes
in Queen Cat's Minecraft Club by
Hey Minecraftnerd!!!!!  

The other day I experienced something weird in Minecraft....... Ok here's the story,

I wanted to test a Minecraft creepypasta on seed 2323 to see if youtubers were clickbaiting me. So you see, seed 2323 is where the entity "That-thing" is supposed to spawn. So when I got the world loaded in I immediately started collecting materials. I managed to build a (ugly) little house to keep me safe. But..... Then at night time something weird happened. Ok so I had cheats turned on, and at some point I couldn't change my personal game mode which is super strange. And that ALWAYS happens in creepypasta videos. But that wasn't even the scary part!!!! At some point i was getting shot by fire arrows!!!! I looked around and there were no skeletons or anything that can shoot arrows. It shot at me in 2 different areas. I think im in Bedrock edition. Im not sure if this is creepypasta or not but I think you might want to investigate. I will investigate more but I think you should take a look at it too. And you and I should tell the other when something weird happens. But make a sepperate post when we find anything new. I've never heard of fire arrows randomly being shot at players before so this just makes it even more scary. The thing is im not sure this is creepypasta or not yet. But it sure is strange. It must be something to do with that creepypasta seed I used. It was 2323 if you do try it build a house as quickly as possible. I got mine built by night. It ended up ugly and small but its still safe. I didn't even make tools until I got it built. Please investigate. And if you see something that looks like Steve thats tall and has 2 arms that that's "that thing". I didn't see him myself but weird things were happening on that seed. I spawned in a plains biome. I wish you good luck!!! anyone else who wants to try this, if something weird happens make a post about it. I played for at least 2 or 3 hours or more I think.


Queen cat
Yo, I plan on reinvestigating seed 2323 on a new world, I'm looking for someone to investigate with, you up for it?
I'm not a really good investigator on things like this but I'll look into it.

I've been on for over a day investigating and I've seen some weird things around the nearest village at night, but otherwise, I haven't seen too many things around this world. I won't stop until I have found That Thing. I WAS SHOT BY RANDOM ARROWS AND I WAS DISCONNECTED FROM THE SERVER. RIGHT BEFORE I LEFT, I SAW A TALL FIGURE STARING AT ME. WHEN I TRIED TO RECONNECT, MINECRAFT SAID THAT WORLD ISN'T EXISTENT!



is it on bedrock or java?
I tested the seed and everything went according to the post,I had random arrows shot at me in the middle of the day and I thought I saw  the thing,I didn't get far because by the second night a creeper blew up my bed and I lost my house,I haven't explored the village yet but with what other creepypastus I've tested I think the village is the root of it,hope the rest of you the best of luck.
ago by
So does it really work ? Not on bedrock
ago by
Hey I tried it it didn’t work but idk there was a ruined portal right at spawn but I’m not sure if it’s the right seed
ago by
I did the world it was extra laggy, but I think it was just because of my iPad. I don’t think this is true unless you install mods or unless someone is trying to troll you give me more information but until I do get more information it is busted.
ago by
nothing was happening until night time i heard bracking sounds out of no where i got so sceard that i left before saveing and i spawned is a forest i was secking like iv i seen a ghost but didn't see anything becueas i was in my house
ago by
everyone is saying they seen something on the seed some of the people propaly can't but mods so there is most likey something on the seed

5 Answers

0 votes
ago by
I played the word 2323 i spawned in a plains field with small flower field at spawn i walked around and saw 1 pumpkin weird though usually theres at least 4 or more pumpkins not just one.. i though it could have been the game glitching due to any entitys if there is a entity which was called “that thing” although i have never been in a world so glitchy i keep seeing blocks that are still loading in so when i look at them i can see caves and ores prob from the glitch for now I haven’t experienced anything supernatural yes i am playing on tablet so i am not using java nor bedrock im using minecraft for mobile such as phones,tablets,android, and etc i did have multiplayer of and LAN not visible to others and i turned cheats off with no mods i found the village which had surprisingly good loot even though there where only like 2-3 chests then i went back to spawn which had a broken nether portal and the usual loot like golden apples and golden tools as well as some armor not the best but for now good enough other than that I haven’t experienced anything weird or any arrows i think that entity you guys have experienced might have been a virus or a code that was broken or shattered could have been a creation one of Mojangs employees where making or Mojang himself and maybe their creation got out of hand and the codes of the creation got broken and forced into minecraft but i am not sure of that.

Edit: Thankyou for taking your time to read this and i hope this helps in any way! And for those who do find the entity or virus sometimes “that thing” might only show up if your anti-virus is and if it appears when its off remember when you encounter it you must turn on your anti-virus right away WARNING: DO NOT- interact with the entity/virus.
0 votes
this is a very dangerous creepypasta, i would advise people with weak anti-virus to not investigate it. i did the test about a year ago and it creeped me out. i honestly couldn't even describe it.
0 votes
Just did the test on it and saw him, it’s definitely real, probably don’t want to join. Mi game broke and I had to reinstall. I was able to leave but wasn’t able to close the window. Me and My friend got ??? ?????? by him. he had a bedrock sword somehow. i think he looks different to everyone...
yea he looks somehow diffrent to other accounts.

what did the bedrock sword look like.

His appearance depends on the amount of data u have stored in that world. I ran a test on my theory and it was true
ago by
You said data does that mean amount of storage and data of making worlds or purchases of mods?
0 votes
by (550k points)
I don't really look for creepypasta worlds
0 votes
by (119k points)
Bedrock or Java?
I think im on Bedrock. And something else happened on this seed when I played the same night after a skeleton killed me it dropped its bow and took my sword ( I had it on drop inventory so I dropped all my stuff ) it was on hard mode too.
by (967k points)
Queen cat, what device did you play on?
Omg bruh


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