+4 votes
in Life and bracelets by (547k points)

There is officially no way for me to say this without cursing, breaking down in tears, getting hyuded and all.

I have..

The police called last night.

And I now have 0 parents.

Thats all ur girl is gonna say.

I dunno what to do.

I dunno where to go.

I dunno where to cry.

I just...

Dont know who i am.

I can never be happy.

Why does life want this for me?


OMG, gurl power through it. It's not worth it to give up. God has an amazing plan for u. U have my support. Don't ever give up. You are an amazing person. Never give up ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ God cares abt you so much, and I do too. I love and care about everyone. You can't give up. Do devotionals, go to therapy, whatever you need. DONT GIVE UP
by (547k points)
Thx but idk who u r but ty

17 Answers

+2 votes
by (28.9k points)
Best answer
Wait so ur mom.... Omg Chelsea I am so so sorry an amazing person like you doesn't deserve this to happen to you but just so you know I know how it feels I lost my older sister when I wasn't even born but chelsea your the older sister that I have always dreamed of having ur always there when I need you. I want to give you the longest hug in the history of hugs and that means you mean A LOT to me cause I am not a hugger. Chelsea I want you to know that I'd do anything for you I give you the last breath out of my body for you, Move a mountain with a spoon for you. You can always talk to me when you need to! Try to think of the good things you did with your mom. Remeber you can show your pain it can help you not feel so upset. Ur mother is in a better place now someone once told me that sometimes we have to just keep going on the journey until we reach the end. Chelsea me and KS are here for you I know I'm not the best friend sometimes but I will try to be one like slay and all those other people. Chelsea your the greatest Online friend I could have ever asked for you are wolftastic and am always here for you


Bella/Wolflover ♥️
by (547k points)
I'm crying rn.

Ur literally like my sister.
by (69.6k points)
Chels!! She's right we all love you!!
by (28.9k points)

Chels Slay's right and if someone doesn't like you Chels Imma be like welp dude your loss. Cause Chelsea is the bestest person in the whole world 

Also I am kinda crying a little too from reading your post and mine and all the others your post was really sad and I feel so bad for you. but me, Kt and some of my Irl friends are here for you.


Bella/Wolflover heart    

by (69.6k points)
If someone's mean to chels I'll be there with a baseball bat...
by (547k points)

You have a baseball hat??
by (28.9k points)
and I'll be there with with tnt and mcdonalds.....
by (69.6k points)
No chels I don't have a baseball bat. I will go buy one and go whack whack
by (28.9k points)

I got no tnt ? but I do have a McDonald’s near me ehehehehhehehehehe plotting

by (547k points)
Uh oh..
by (28.9k points)
I only need tnt
by (69.6k points)
Fr!! Let's go rob McDonald's
by (28.9k points)
by (69.6k points)
by (547k points)
Oh no!!
by (28.9k points)
Hooray! *Snarfing mc nuggets while binge watching miraculous*
by (69.6k points)
by (28.9k points)
its a good show
by (69.6k points)
by (28.9k points)
0 votes
by (5.3k points)
I am so sorry to hear about what you're going through. It's completely understandable to feel lost and unsure of what to do next. Please know that you are not alone and there are people who care about you and want to help. It's important to reach out to friends, family, or a counselor for support during this difficult time. Take care of yourself and give yourself time to grieve and heal. You are stronger than you realize and you will find a way to move forward. Sending you love and strength.
+1 vote
Oh my gosh, I am sooo sorry! Oh Chelsea, this is too much on you. I wish I knew you in real life! And just know that I luv ya and am praying real hard. Stay strong!
by (547k points)
I wish ik u 2


+1 vote
by (132k points)
Dear Chels-

I don't know how to explain how much I'm sorry for you. Oh my gosh. I'm so so so freaking sorry. I know life sucks but you will get through it. I promise. If you ever, ever need to talk about anything just pm me I love you so much! You are strong and will get through this! I swear. Just remember everyone on KT cares about you and will always be there for you no matter what situation you are in.
If I could hug you I could. So I'll just give you a virtual hug *hugs for 10 minutes* I just wish you the best. Just cry it all out. Okay? Let it out. You'll be ok. Your Mom is in a safe happy place!

We all love you.

Don't give up.


Love you girly!

Forever and always,

by (547k points)

Ik I can try.

Im trying to try.
+1 vote
by (43.9k points)

God I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now and you don’t wanna know how much I wanna curse out the world for being so mean to you! threaten

But remember that you can always talk to me or somebody else on Kt if you need to! heart

by (547k points)

I will talk to you if I need.

Wow so many people say i can talk to them wow.

+1 vote
by (39.3k points)
Oh my gosh Chels that is so sad! I'm so sorry! But just stay strong and remember always talk to me about anything! I feel so sad for you that this happened! *hugs you* It will be okay! Live just sucks doesn't it!? I'm here for you!!!!!

          -Your bestie Swiftie <3
by (547k points)
I hope to be ur bestie forever
by (39.3k points)
Me too:3
+1 vote
by (69.6k points)
Dear Chels,

♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️I am so sorry!! You deserve so much better!! I literally think you are the strongest, humblest, bootifulist, and AMAZING person I've ever met!! I love you like a sister, always have and always will!!!! Private message me whenever!!
by (547k points)
Ik ik
+1 vote
by (529k points)
Wait, wait, wait...


What happened to your mom?

Are you saying what I think you're saying?
by (547k points)
by (119k points)
Your mom died
by (547k points)
Can we not put it like that.?
by (547k points)
plz can we not put it like that
+1 vote
by (967k points)
Wait a minute…

So the police called, they took away your mom…

Well, I know someone (he doesn’t go to my school anymore) who lived with his aunt and uncle, nobody knows what happened to his parents. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t go to school anymore, because he said that he was gonna work at his uncle’s construction company when he turned 12, and he is 12.

And I’m pretty sure they’re abusive.

by (547k points)
No my mom is not alive.

The police called and she's not alive anymore.

I cant
by (547k points)

I dont wanna talk abt it
by (547k points)
Elo can u delete that comment.

Its kinda stings
by (967k points)
Sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, but at the same time, I am rather blunt, so often times I accidentally hurt other people’s feelings,
by (547k points)
Its ok I forgive you.!

by (967k points)
*thumbs up*
0 votes
Well dang.... That's sad....

But don't do anything you would regret life will get better,  and yes having your family members not be there for you is hard, but still know you have a bunch of people on kt who care about you!

I'll be here if you want to talk about it!



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