+1 vote
in Ask KidzSearch Staff by (116k points)
Regarding your register form, do you have a php doc with html code imbedded or an html doc with php code embedded in it? I'm tryna make my register form for my website but I can't decide whether to have a register.php doc with html code in it or vice versa.

U guys don't have to answer but I am really curious so it would be amazing if you could.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (350k points)
Best answer
Both methods work. However, if the code is mostly static having a separate HTML file with PHP added to it is often better and easier to maintain. If you are doing  a lot of things, like making database calls, etc., starting with PHP and adding HTML is often preferred.
by (116k points)
Ah. Imma start with php since my main goal with the script is to modify my sql database table (I'm assuming that is what database calls mean.)

Thank you so much for helping me with that KS!
by (350k points)
Yes, database calls refer to database table changes.
by (116k points)
Ok thanks.

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