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in The Archive by (41.6k points)

Eva and I used to be in this school group and I believe that we were at this lil playground in our neighborhood

That playground had a little spinner thing that you could sit in and and it was roundish and had bars and looked almost like a round cage and it was red

One of the kids in the school group had a rainbow ball, (it was either rainbow or pink I can’t remember) we had the spinner thing spinning really fast and we were trying to get the ball in through the hole in the top I believe and Eva back then came over and asked something along the lines of like “can I join?” or “can I play?” and I was like “Sure!” or something and then fast forward like 6 years later and we are now best friends

Yeah and that’s basically how we met heheh

Athena_Kid out!

1 Answer

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by (227k points)
Actually I wanted to be your friend from the moment I saw you lol

So I asked you if you wanted to join
by (41.6k points)
I very clearly remember you asking me if you could play not you asking me if I wanted to play

So you might be remembering wrong on the second part?
by (227k points)
I’m pretty sure it wa stage other way around

I’ll ask my mom she’ll remember
by (41.6k points)
I can swear I remember it being you asking me if you could join us


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