+3 votes
in Other by (24.1k points)
some people want me to leave kt u can see the post " trend!!!" And you'll see what do u think I just want to see what the majority chooses
Yep u should leave (4 votes, 24%)
I don't care (3 votes, 18%)
No don't leave (10 votes, 59%)

4 Answers

0 votes

Don’t. Leave. I copy and pasted this which I wrote on your other post and I wanted to make sure that you see it.

You are amazing and beautiful and rich and popular, and there is nothing wrong with saying it! It means that you know who you are. But some people don’t like it when you post lots of stuff about that, so what if maybe you could try sometimes posting about something else, like other users on kidztalk or maybe you could give others advice! Anyway, you’re amazing, and I wish I was so proud of myself like you are. Have a good day/night! 

by (119k points)
Actually there is something wrong with saying it. It's called bragging and everyone hates people who brag.
Yes, if she says that stuff all the time it’s bad. I’m just saying that if she could just post about other things most of the time, I feel like it would be ok to say that stuff once in a while.
+2 votes
by (119k points)

Don't leave!!! Literally every person on here has come on here because they have a problem with themselves. As long as you don't keep posting im so cool posts all the time and if you stick to posting when you aren't PMSing, then you would be a great addition to KT!

by (61.1k points)
+1 vote
by (967k points)
Dude, don’t leave!
+1 vote
by (28.9k points)
Hmmmmmm well whats the reason they think this?

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