0 votes
in Other by (87.2k points)
It was the middle of the night and I woke up for some reason so I opened my eyes and went to go get some water, but I couldn't move. At all. AT first I thought I was dreaming, but it felt so real and I was so sure that I was awake. Then I thought I somehow got paralyzed, but that didn't make sense because how did I randomly get paralyzed? So I started to panic and breathe heavily, and then I saw like a shadowy figure at the foot of my bed, just staring at me, and I wanted to scream, but I couldn't scream, or make any noise, or move at all. Then the shadow figure was just on my chest, and it felt like I couldn't breathe, like I was being choked by the figure on my chest, and the whole time it was sitting on me it was just staring into my soul. Maybe one or two minutes passed and the shadow girl, cuz it felt female for some reason, just, idk, dissapeared, and then I could move and I sat up in bed gasping because something was just sitting on my chest. I looked it uo and its called sleep paralysis. Does anyone know more about it, or about the figure that I saw because apparently seeing figures in your room is common.

12 Answers

0 votes
by (69.6k points)
Idk sometimes in the middle of the night I'll start screaming and laughing in my sleep super loud then my light turns on.
0 votes
One time I woke up and I saw a scary person standing in the doorway and so I turned around and ignored it, and then another night I saw it standing in the doorway again and I waved at it. Next time that happens I will walk up to it and say “What do you WANT? Why are you staring at me?” But who knows, I might just get scared..
0 votes
by (967k points)
I’ve never experienced sleep paralysis before. Whenever I have to get up in the middle of the night, I wake up and my body instantly wakes up.

Aw man, I’m getting sleepy now…
by (87.2k points)
lol that normally what it is for me too
0 votes
OMG SAME……. One night I was in my bed and seriously my mom walked in my room and I did not know she was trying to wake me up. This is what she told me. She said that my eyes were getting like watery and I was like scared and basically my mom had like poured water on me and I thought it was for a prank, but she told me the story but I did not believe her but I’m just telling you guys this if you guys think it’s real I don’t know but I couldn’t open my eyes like seriously.
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by (230k points)
Maybe it was a very realistic dream, or if you have a sister or a girl cat, maybe it was them. If it was your sister, either she was pranking you or sleepwalking.
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by (61.1k points)
It’s only a hallucination I swear

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by (43.9k points)
I’ve heard of sleep paralysis before but I don’t actually experience it
0 votes
I have a story,

So when I was like 12, I was asleep but I woke up, it was daytime, I went to get up but I couldn't, then I saw a figure in the tv, and it made static noises.

I got scared and I tried to call for my mom, but I just mad muffled sounds, I Couldn't move, and eventually I fell out of my bed and ran out of my room
0 votes
by (206k points)
0 votes
by (48.6k points)

I get sleep paralysis, but I don't see shadowy figures often. 

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