+5 votes
in Other by (61.0k points)
Listen up. *bangs gavel*

Users of Kidztalk, we have gathered here today because we are not what we used to be. We are falling apart. We are losing the beautiful, sweet safe haven we were 2 months ago. I called this ‘meeting’ because we are losing key members of Kidztalk because of harsh words, drama, and non-supportive users who say things that they shouldn’t. We are about to lose Joel, we lost Sloth, even Chelsea left for a while. These people…they shouldn’t have to leave KT because of drama. What happened to us? What happened to our safe haven? What happened to the place where people were nice and kind and supportive of each other? If you don’t have anything nice to say, DON’T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL! There have been mini battles between users, posts with mean comments, etc. Please, KT users, PLEASE listen. This isn’t the place it used to be. What if other users leave? What if KT turns into a place full of drama? We NEED to fix this. We need to. If we don’t, it’s not going to turn back into the great place it was before. Please help me. Please help me turn this around. I think we need to make a list of smaller rules for KT users to follow. Who wants to help? Who is going to stand up to make KT great again?

11 Answers

+1 vote
by (161k points)

Judgment Day is inevitable. No one can deny it.

However, you do have a good point.

ALSO however, we’ve had this meeting before, and I think it’s becoming a cycle.

Step 1: drama starts

Step 2: drama ends

Step 3: someone goes “waaaahh kidztalk isn’t the same I’m leaving” and we all cry

Step 4: we go back to normal

Step 5: the people from Step 3 come back

Step 6: some rude person does something to make another person mad

And repeat.

For those of you who don’t know what KT Judgment Day is, I’ll make a detailed post about it soon.

by (61.0k points)
0 votes
at some point I will probably leave for three months then come back..

Cause I do that sometimes on other sites I'm on

I'll help to make sure it gets better!
+2 votes
by (966k points)
Eh, a whole bunch of people come and go. I saw 10 people leave at once in May 2021 and while we definitely noticed it, KT wasn’t falling apart…

In fact, we just got stronger.
by (266k points)
Exactly. People come and go, all for different reasons. It's just the way it is.
0 votes
In fact;
My life is now devoted to this.
I have written a poem, and I give you no choice but to read it:

Roses are red,
KT is our forever home-
So it's our duty to make it great again,
For many more generations to come.

I eat Nickels.
by (61.0k points)
Ummm……u eat….Nickels?
by (266k points)

I ate and choked on a Nickel once. Poor Thomas Jefferson a-=(

by (61.0k points)

Oh my. Did u poop it out? fart

by (266k points)

No, my mom had to do the heimlich maneuver/ abdominal thrusts on me T_T

0 votes
by (230k points)

Maybe we should establish some rules

  1. If you have any negative/forceful thoughts about LGBTQIA+, religion, therianthropy, ETC, try to deliver them in a peacful way. 
  2. Don't force religon on others.
  3. Don't deliberatly cause drama. 
  4. Don't be rude on purpose, and if someone calls you out about it, apologize.

Y'all comment some other rules and I'll make a post about it!

by (61.0k points)
by (43.7k points)

If you have a strong opinion on certain a political party don’t force that on people as well
by (61.0k points)
Yes. Ima post a list of these tomorrow.
0 votes
by (550k points)
I'll help even tho I'm never really part of any major dra
0 votes
by (29.5k points)
What's the drama everyone's talking about? I haven't seen any recently tbh
by (43.7k points)
There was a bit of drama between Adi and Alpha and there has also been some beef between CatLover and Chan and also between QueenCat and Chan
0 votes
by (43.7k points)
Yeah and when one user takes a break/leaves a bunch of other beloved users take a break/leave too
by (61.0k points)
0 votes
by (793k points)
I dont want anybody to leave
by (61.0k points)
I know…
by (793k points)
by (61.0k points)
by (793k points)
by (61.0k points)
+2 votes
by (119k points)
KT would be fine if we stopped making posts about how there was drama...
by (43.7k points)
Yeah it kinda just reminds people of the drama and kinda makes people feel worse…
by (61.0k points)
Yea well it needs to stop and  no one else has even tried.
by (266k points)

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