+2 votes
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So I have a crush on this guy. I told my friend that I like him and she answered fine. Lately she has been acting really weird around me and she is shunning me. One time me and my crush were standing next to each other she went in between us. I later found out that she likes him. She has been shunning me so much. I’ll say hi to her and she will just ignore me. This has gotten so bad that my parents noticed it. Im not trying to be a jerk i greet her and im always trying to be nice to her, but i get ignored. I dont know what to do. She is my best friend and i dont want to loose her but i dont want to loose again at this. I can tell my crush likes me because he is always flirting with me and staring at me. He also sits next to me a lot. What should i do about this.
I personaly think that you should try to have a one to one chat about it, or at least try. Since you guys are best friends or at least were, she should be willing to at least text. I think that you should tell her, that "Hey, I don't want this to get in between us its okay if you date him. or if he dates me can we still be cool." but if she keeps being mean about it, I would say take a break with each other, and then come back together. because me and one of my best friends did that, and were going stronger than ever. About the guy, don't let him get in the way. Long lasting friends are more precious than anything. And I know that from expierence. Having a best friend means that you always you have someone to go back to, and will love you always. A true bestfriend is there no matter what, and if this girl is dumping you for a boy she isnt worth it . :)

Praying for you!

2 Answers

0 votes
by (3.1k points)
Ok, I'm gonna be really honest with you here, you cannot control your feelings toward your crush, and neither can she. So, if she does not respect and accept your feelings, and even more is punishing you for it. That may be considered a toxic relationship in which you just need to tell yourself that you tried, and that is all you can do. I am sorry that you are in this situation, but it seems like you have done all you can and if your friend doesn't accept what a wonderful person you are, than she is the one at fault. Good Luck!
+1 vote
by (137k points)
Your friend most likely won't try to befriend you again if your crush does like you back. She may realize that there was no point in trying in the first place, but I doubt they will adhere to your side of the story. Best thing I can think of is to tall to them more, but I recognize that their communication with you is extremely limited.

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