+3 votes
in The Light Of The World by (229k points)

I haven't written this book since like December 2023 T_T

Anyway, here ya go :D (disclaimer: LGBTQIA+ topics, mild violence, also, no I don't believe ALL teenagers behave like Maddi and Mika.)


Chapter 4: Stalk

I came home from school. I heard the usual sounds; the moms fighting, Liam trying to be 'cool' by using weird slang with his equally weird friends, Leo crying softly in his room. I rushed past the moms, hoping they wouldn't see me, and sat down next to my boyfriend. I gave Leo a kiss on top of his head.

"Hey, Kay. S-sorry. I'll get myself together, it's just.." He paused for a second, his eyebrowns knit together. "Nevermind."

I scoffed. "You don't tell me anything anymore! I know something's going on." Sighing, I threw myself onto his bed and grabbed one of my vampire romance novels. "Bloody Roses of Love"! I was only 3 pages into the 7th chapter, when my phone rang. I checked the contact. It was somebody named "Maxwell Liu". I answered it. "Hello, Kaylianna Robinson. I've been following you everyday," a voice said. I froze. "What's wrong, KayKay?" Leo asked me. My voice shaky, I reassured him and said everything was fine. "Who are you, and what do you want?" I demanded. "Oh, not much," Maxwell mused. "Just meet me tomorrow night at, say, 1:30? Behind the Target near your house? I just need...Something you have. And, in exchange, I'll give you somethting you want." I held back a scream. "I AM NOT SEEING YOU ANYWHERE!!" Leo jumped and looked at me with wide eyes.


Good ole Liu had hung up on me.


Tossing and turning at night, I decided to go meet my stalker with Leo or Liam with me. I needed to get rid of him.

Five days ago, I had seen a shadow.. Or a glimpse of someone. My heart automatically started beating faster. "W-who's there?" I had whimpered. Then the shadow had disapeared. I was wondering if it was Maxwell. What did he want from me? What did I do to him? With a start, I pondered whether or not he'd somehow found out I was non-binary. Come on, Kaylianna, that's stupid. How could he find out? I desperately wanted to talk to Leo, or even Liam. Acting on an impulse, I rolled out of bed. I crawled along the walls of the hallway and opened Liam's door quietly. It creaked loudly. I bit back a curse. Liam sprung out of bed as soon as he heard the door squeak. "WHO GOES THERE?!!" He roared. "YOU DOLT! SHUT UP!" I whisper-screamed. He breathed a huge sigh of relief. "Man, oh man, Kay. I love you, but you can't be doing that to me, bruh."

A few minutes later, after I explained everything, Liam pulled me into a hug. "You're my best friend. You can't face this alone! And, why did you come to me and not Leo? He's your own boyfriend." I sighed. "He'll lash out. A-and... I feel like I can depend on you to not.. You, know. Freak out as much. So that's why I'm asking you to come with me. I need to see what he wants and how we can.. Get rid of him." "One way or another," Liam snarled.


The next night, we went out to meet up the ol' creeper.

Well, not so old.

I was definitely not expecting to see a cute, tall, Asian guy about 17 with black, shiny hair with pink stripes in it. I was also not expecting to recognize him.

"PIERCE YOUNG?!" I yelled.

He cleared his throat. And when he started talking, his voice was a lot softer than I heard on the phone. "Y-yes. It's me," he said, smiling weakly. "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING, PRETENDING TO BE AN ADULT AND TRYING TO MEET MY BEST FRIEND UP SOMEWHERE!?" Liam screamed. Pierce Young was known at my school for being a homophobic idiot. Oh no, I thought. My heart sank. I had recently made a presentation at my school about being non-binary. My way of coming out. Most people accepted me, except for some stoopid butts, but whatever. Pierce scowled. "Your 'best friend' is dumb. She doesn't know what gender she is." I yelled at him and lunged, about to start clawing and punching him, but someone else came out of the shadows and held me back. I turned my head and saw..


"Kayli," she snarled. Not my ideal way of greeting someone. "Only my friends can call me 'Kayli', and I'm not friends with scumbags like you."

Mika and Maddi scoffed simultaneously. Woah, I thought. Maddi just appeared. That's weird. Maddi smoothed down the frizz on her hair and stared at Liam. "OMG, you're so HAWT!! Why don't I steal you from that dumb little girl and we can, hee, do something together," she gushed. Liam stared at her, obviously annoyed. He shoved her away, and her blonde lushious curls flew. "Okaaaaaay," he drawled. "First of all, we're NOT together. Second of all, they're NOT dumb. Third of all, THEY. ARE. NOT. A. GIRL. OR. A. BOY."

Liam thrust himself at Mika, who was very suprised and annoyed. Mika let out a cry and tripped over a tree root."HOW DARE YOU ATTACK ME WHEN I'M NOT PAYING ATTENTION," she hissed, struggling to get up again. I hoped with all my might that she sprained (or broke) her ankle. I was now free, so I threw myself at Pierce. Meanwhile, Liam took care of Maddi. Mika lay uselessly on the ground, groaning and clutching her ankle. Maddi stumbled when I slammed Young into her. They both fell. I grabbed Liam's hand and tried to run, but Mika yanked my jeans back and I crashed on the grass. I also pulled Liam down with me. All three of them raised their fists above our heads, ready to strike, when we heard the sirens.

3 Answers

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by (31.4k points)
by (229k points)

by (31.4k points)
by (229k points)

Another fan :D
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by (119k points)


by (229k points)
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by (229k points)


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