+11 votes
in Venting by (26.4k points)
She wants me do go jogging, swimming, dancing and playing basketball at the same time!!! I don't want to!!!!!!
MY mom tries to get me to do these these things!
Hate is a very strong word. Maybe she just wants you to have a good childhood.

11 Answers

+1 vote
Don't hate her she just wants you to be healthy and is only doing it for your own good!
by (71.2k points)
+4 votes
by (117k points)
Bro. Stop playing Mega Man X and watching anime and start getting fit. At least do what your mom wants.
by (127k points)
by (117k points)
This was my last sighting of duke....
by (165k points)
Depressing ngl
by (26.4k points)
My mom's okay with me now cuz I'm playing Just Dance Kids (1, 2, 2014) everyday after school (it has a "Parent" section where she can view how much calories I consumed each day). It was quite fun although I'm a middle schooler hehe. My favorite song is Interstellar Simon
+1 vote
Tell her you don't want to. If that doesn't work go on strike\ignore her
+2 votes
by (2.3k points)
im a foster kid who does vollyball track basketball and swimming and my mom never showed up to a single game............care to trade
by (14.7k points)
I’m so sorry!!!
by (62.7k points)
O my gosh, I AM SO SORRY! That sounds terrible.
+2 votes
Why don't you tell her instead of ranting on
by (117k points)


+1 vote

At the same time? Is that possible? Just tell her you don't want to or are you going say you've tried that already as well as probably all the other suggestions I would suggest.cat-face

+2 votes
by (272k points)

Like at a camp?? Wdym "at the same time...??" drool

Well, to me, that sounds like a blast!! Perhaps give it a try- you know what they say: "Don't knock it till you try it!!" :) It might be fun!!

Did you tell her you don't want to do these things?? What did she say to that??

+1 vote
by (587k points)
Just tell her how you feel about that.
+1 vote
by (105k points)

Like I said on #1 she just worries about your health and wants you to have a good life. Please please PLEASE don't hate your mom. "Some things don't seem very valuable at the time, but over the years, it can be worth more than anything else." -owl 

by (584k points)
You have more quotes than I do.

Maybe I can learn from you!



                                                        #Cool Cats 95 agrees with Outstanding owl
by (26.4k points)
hey health is important i like to stay inside a lot but at times i go on a trail and ride my bike it’s actually really fun :)
+2 votes
by (1.12m points)
This reminds me of a YouTube series for some reason.
by (26.4k points)
Uh... This is venting... Not joking...
by (1.12m points)
K, but the title still reminds me of a YouTube series. And sorry.

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