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in Venting by
I have known my boy best friend since we were little kids (Lets call him Tom for privacy reasons). I have just recently (A year and a half ago) discovered I was lesbian and liked girls. One of my friends said she was asking Tom who he has a crush on (Yes, my friend is kind of in everyone's business), and she began shouting random names at him of kids at our middle school. He said "no" to each and every one. But, when she said my name he didn't respond and walked away. He has also been hanging out with me a lot more than usual. The thing is, since Im lesbian, I feel nauseous at the thought of being in an actual relationship with Tom.

When I was a little kid (3-5), I would always say that I wanted to marry Tom, which I think he felt the same about. He said the same things. Obviously, I was just a little kid and didn't know what LGBTQ+ was. I always thought it was the law to have a girl with a boy. I don't think Tom ever was joking about saying those things, and it disgusts me to this day.

I also have a crush on one of my girl best friends (Lets call her Bella for privacy reasons). I have been crushing on her since I met her. I always compliment her, stay by her side, and joke around with her. She is very important to me, which brings me into my next problem.

Bella has a close friend (Lets call her Veronica for privacy reasons), and I never realized that Veronica felt the same way I did about Bella. Sadly, I am super shy when it comes to telling my crush my feelings, and I waited too long. Veronica confessed to Bella before I did, and I literally almost cried in front of them.

The thing is, they have been dating for almost a full year now. A few months ago, Veronica started posting romantic things about other girls on her insta, and Bella was never mentioned in them. Then, my friend from before told us that Veronica had been cheating on Bella for months. She had over 5 girlfriends, and none of them knew about each other! I keep telling Bella to dump her, because I genuinely care and she doesn't deserve to be in a toxic relationship like that. Though, Bella was very stubborn and refused to speak to me, and I don't know what I did. Someone please help me.
by (680 points)
Yeah... This is a hard one for sure. I kinda get the fact that you were trying to keep a low profile so you don't maybe hurt his feelings. And I find it very frustrating about you're friend/crush's situation, But I honestly from experience would leave her alone you know? Maybe give her time and if she needs you just let her know you're there to help. But I'm sure we both know that this is her battle to fight and she will have to make the choice.. and I get 100% that it's going to be hard. Though stay strong and don't leave her side be there. Anyways good luck though. and hope you figure this out.

8 Answers

0 votes
I am 14 years old an experienced a similar thing only that i was the guy who had a crush on a lesbian. Imagine how said it is for him if he cant be together with you, most people here support the lesbian in this situation but, I support Tom because I had a similar situation and its really sad for the boy as well.
0 votes

I know I'm late to this question lolll but hear me out if you didn't already do this.. Just tell Tom that you don't prefer guys that's not your style and you already have a crush u can let him down easy! You can say I'm sorry that's just not my thing! I'm sure it would make him feel weird if he liked somebody gay right? Don't take that the wrong way plz!

Good luck kid!

0 votes
Well, I would tell him that you're lesben and you don't like him. I hope this helps!
0 votes
Sorry if this is not my best idea but maybe tell one of Veronica’s other girlfriends that she is cheating and then Bella will find out and she will be sorry for doubting you and then the 2 of you can date btw sorry I am late
0 votes
Hello! I'm not an expert when it comes to relationships, but if you did ask me I would say give Bella time to realize the situation. Veronica clearly doesn't love her if she cheated on her 5 times. You did what you could, so just give Bella time to cool off.

As for Tom, I think you should just be open to him about your feelings. If he really loves you he'll understand.

I know I'm late but I hope this helps!
0 votes
by (750 points)
Just change be a girl and love him
by (2.5k points)
Why should she? He’s her best friend. I wouldn’t demand you to date someone you don’t have feelings for, so don’t do that to her.
0 votes
by (550k points)
Just leave her alone. She will eventually forgive u
Great advice! I will consider it!
0 votes
by (12.9k points)
oh im so sorry!!! im striaght, but i get the feeling.

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