+2 votes
in Personal by
This is kind of a long story lol. So, have fun!

So, when I was in 4th grade I found out I was lesbian. Honestly, I kind of felt like I was my entire life because When I was in elementary school all of my friends had "crushes" and their crushes were all guys. So, to fit in with them I started to force myself to like some guys in my grade. It NEVER felt right for me to like them. Usually I would only like them for less than a month because I would get tired of liking them.

And when 4th grade rolls around my parents started talking to me about the LGBTQ+ community. And so, I was like, hmmmm... I think I might be lesbian. So, I started to ask some people I knew in my class and they said, "Yeah, you are definitely not straight!" So, I kept it a secret to my friends and family because I was scared that they would be homophobic about it...

And then, last year, (5th grade) I told my best friend that I had a crush on her... She also did and so we started "dating". It lasted for about a week because she thought I cheated on her with another girl. Lol and before we started "dating" I wrote a note to her saying that I liked her.

 I accidentally brought the note home and my mom found it and when she asked me, "are you lesbian?" I almost passed out on my bedroom floor. I was freaking out! She told me that it was ok and the next day I decided to tell my best friends that I was lesbian.

I told them and they said, "uh, mk I guess..." I looked at them weirdly and I moved on from it. We never really had any fights and they all were good friends to me! But, I did think it was odd that they acted that way when I told them.

I honestly think they may have forgotten that I told them because a couple weeks ago at lunch this girl sitting at our table asked all of us if we supported the LGBTQ+ community. I said yes but my two other friends were like, "No, that stuff is dumb!" I stood up quickly and ran to the bathroom and stayed in there until the lunch bell rang for 5th hour.

Honestly, I don't know if I should still be friends with them because I've been friends with them since KG! Please help me! I don't know what to do!
Just be yourself and follow what you love tell them they do not have to support you but you are going to support yourself or find someone else to support you. do not worry you support what you love if you support the LGBTQ+ then support it but if you don't don't all i am telling you is to support what you love not what they love. trust me i've been there :) HAVE I GOOD DAY
Awww, there's no reel son for you to be going through that...especially if you are only in 6th-7th grade! No real friends of yours that respects and accepts you would ever say such horrid things like that in front of your face.

3 Answers

0 votes
All the boys in my class use gay as an insult. Also some of the girls, but some of the friends of the boys or girls seem to hate them for that. also, you don't know if your friends are in the closet.
0 votes
Okay, basically I think you are over-reacting. I know it's sounds harsh but I've said the truth.After reading your whole lifestory in pretty sure that your friends forgot you said you were lesbian around TWO YEARS AGO you are what 9 years old? I bet your friends don't even know what lesbian means. so if it means a lot to you tell them you are actually lesbian don't stop talking to them ! They won't know why you are sulking TL;DR  stop overreacting
0 votes
by (550k points)
Just tell her your part of LGBTQ+ and then ask a girl you really like to sit with you and ask if you support LGBTQ BUT, have your friend sit with you to see if she really thinks that. BUT, make sure the cute girl sits with you within a week after you tell your friend. I know it will seem staged but it's just a test to see if she just forgot your LGBTQ+. If your friend still says LGBTQ is dumb just say "I don't think we can be friends anymore" or something like that.

Hope this helps.

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