+6 votes
in Mental Health by
My mom says that when I hit Dakota, Dakota can hit me back, but when Dakota hits me, I can't hit Dakota back
by (3.6k points)
by (1.5k points)
smack her back
THAT IS SO UNFAIR AND SO CRAZY!!! Talk to your parents about that!!

Next time she hits you move to your own room and put a sign up that says "No sisters aloud"  on the door.

9 Answers

0 votes
by (206k points)
How old is your sis

My mom just lets me and my siblings fight it out
0 votes
my mom does this to. but with my brother. your mom might think that since you're a boy, ( if you're one, i don't know. sorry if i misgendered you) you cant possibly hit a girl. It's the same with me so i just dont hit my brother because it's unfair. or, maybe because you're older and shes younger. etheir way, unfair. i hope your mom stops doing that.
by (206k points)
My mom just lets me and my brother fight it out
0 votes
by (1.2k points)

That's sexist! If she hits you hit her back! You and her are equal so your parents need to see that!

0 votes
by (161k points)
Looking back on this,

Dont just hit her back.

Turn on your mike tyson switch and give her a massive uppercut.
0 votes
by (3.3k points)

That does not seem fair but having younger sibblings they are going to be fav for parents :(. I know I have to go through it. Even the you are more mature that your sibling thing backfires at me because they get to do somthing at the age of 7 when I wasn't alowed to do at the age of 5. I can ask why but its because life is not fair but if its not fair why do I have to buy stuff with my own money but when the sibling sees that I get somthing mom and dad buy it for sibling because its not fair I get somthing and sibling does not. So much for lifes not fair. Anywase If you are the older sibling you will never get treated with the same respect as the younger. If you are middle child you will probible not get treated as well as the oldest or youngest because oldest they can stay home and take care of themselves youngest you know what I mean^ So that raps it up. I am very sorry about the facts about Dakota.wondering#lifes-unfair?

by (967k points)
It’s the reverse in my house. I’m the older one and I get treated with 20x more respect than the younger one…
by (3.3k points)

Lucky uteeth_smile

0 votes
Tell your mother playing favorites is the most dimwitted thing a parent could do.

If your sibling hits you, you have every single right to hit back. Its the American LAW.
0 votes
by (230k points)

wut- that aint fair jawdrop

+1 vote
by (550k points)
Ask her why.

If you're older she knows you are more mature.

But if you're younger, I'm not sure
+2 votes
I don't know who Dakota is, but neither of you should be hitting each other at all.
by (3.6k points)
Dakota is her sister.

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