+5 votes
in SSSniperWolf by (56.3k points)

It's good. She kinda has ummmmmmm super scary videos but. I'm ok. I watched it and was able to sleep.. thumbs_up

3 Answers

0 votes
by (127k points)
Best answer
It’s kind of dumb. I’ve seen her videos.

A.) She’s very annoying, and

B.) She profits WILDLY off of other people’s videos.
by (530k points)

Is it just me or does she look extremely different now then she was in her old videos..

Like, has her face gotten slimmer? O_o


​​​​​​Agreed. All she does is watch other peoples content, make (in my opinion) stupid remarks, and profits off of it. She also bullies anyone even remotely different from her. She has a long history of racism, homophobia, transphobia, intolerance, and downright ignorance for others. I mean if people like her, then go ahead, but I don't personally like her that much. 

- Dino (he/they) 

by (530k points)
I've never seen her bully anyone different from her. She makes jokes, sure, but 99.9 percent of the time, at least to me, they're innocent and playful.

I don't know, maybe I'm not looking at her stuff right.
She is super racist and transphobic, and I have seen her be a bit homophobic. I watched her for a few days and then found that out and stopped.

On her channel she is fairly normal but she has old videos that people dug up of her being a huge homophobe and transphobe. She also actively hates on furries and therians and said "bro you aren't an animal. Go get one frm the shelter" even though its common sense that furries and therians know they aren't animals.

Idk man, she just gives me bad vibes.

- Dino (he/they)
by (228k points)

omg she sounds like a jerk and shes transphobic and racist!!?? i hate that angry_smile


I've seen that, as well. It bothers me so much. There's nothing wrong with it.

Yeah. Even though it was years ago when she made those homophobic/transphobic and racist videos, it doesnt change anything. She also made that video on furries/therians back in FEBRUARY of this year (I think it was a cringe compliation, which doesn't make her sound any better..), and spread the misconceptions around.

I'm a furry. The amount of hate I get is ridiculous. They're costumes. Its exactly like cosplaying, but with animals. No, we know we aren't animals and we aren't trying to be. No, we don't do it to "find a mate" or anything creepy. Its the equivalent of "I make a goofy little costume, I am proud of it and wear it, and people get mad".

She's just not that great of a person tbh. I mean I agree with Lover. Her videos are her just sitting at her desk, watching other people's videos, and making stupid little remarks that aren't even funny and are straight-up bullying people.

If you like her, however, that's 100% okay. Do what you want and don't let ANYONE tell you otherwise. If you like her then keep going, mate. Do what make you happy, not others (I've told myself that from years of being treated like garbage, and it genuinely helps).

- Dino (he/they)
(By nothing wrong with it, I mean nothing wrong with being a furry.)

I did see the homophobia recently, where she was saying something about a ship between two boys and she said it was weird and didn't make sense and it came across as her basically just saying that it was gross and wording it differently.

WHY WAS IT IN THAT COMPILATION?! That makes it so, so much worse.

I agree with you and Lover. That is a good piece of advice, but tbh I don't really like Sssniperwolf.
by (530k points)
I literally missed this whole thing XD

But yeah, I understand. I just never found any of these videos on her doing these things, except for the sitting at her desk and watching videos things. I actually thought she supported LGBTQIA+, and I never found anything whatsoever about her being racist. Though, maybe I ether wasn't looking at everything clearly, or I wasn't paying attention enough.

Every time KS adds a new video of her, I try to look for stuff like this. So far, I haven't seen anything adverse. I'll get back to you guys when I do, though :D

by (228k points)
so does she only watch tictoks and make stupid comments?
by (530k points)

Well, rarely she makes videos where she's actually doing something.

by (127k points)
I think so. I don't know what everyone's talking about with racism and whatnot, I just don't like her because she's popular, really annoying (she probably doesn't even need to wear glasses), and she makes a ton of money from other people's videos. Most of which are already stupid in themselves.
She said that Zendaya couldn't be Cinderella, she called nonbinary people attack helicopters, and was on someone's side when they were calling a customer the wrong title by assuming gender. She got upset when people shipped two men, and has been horrible to furries and therians multiple times.

Yup. As a nonbinary person, that really annoys me. Im not an "attack helicopter", im a real person. Just because I'm not male or female doesnt mean I'm a helicopter. She thinks that just because she's famous she can be rude.

Also, that video of her being on someone's side has been reposted hundreds of times. Most of her fans are young, so they wouldn't understand it, but its just disrespectful. Purposefully misgendering people isn't right, and if she disagrees with that then shes actively transphobic.

- Dino (he/they)
@72 (is it okay if I use that nickname for you)

Yeah, I don't get it. Why do people who have huge platforms just think they can be horrible people and get away with it?
by (56.3k points)
I agree with you and s i x t e e n  other people.
by (161k points)
A is kinda correct and B just ticks me off
by (116k points)
Maybe I'll waste my time and write something on this soon.....

(like the tik tok thing I wrote)
0 votes
by (7.3k points)

Yeah I definitely don't watch her, I heard of her videos, but I mean sometimes I don't like when people make videos just for people to give her so much likes and subscribers-- and that's why she's so popular.

That's why, people are now realizing that, and now we're all saying she's scary

0 votes
by (132k points)
Agreed. Most of her content is really scary. I am never able to sleep after watching her vids on watching scary TikToks.

She is kind of annoying, her voice is sort of irritating at least to me anyway.I agree with EmoDinosaur. She makes very stupid remarks on people's TikToks. Girl.

Also, it's getting annoying watching her in EVERY SINGLE video sitting in the same place watching TikToks, like, c'mon. Why not try some other type of video? I have seen at least a million of her videos say, Scary TikToks! Also I find that with Infinite as well..


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