+6 votes
in Other by (127k points)


Alright so one of the "worst" words is said to be what many people will only call the "n-word." It's supposedly more foul than any other in the English language. Why? Because it is not only an extremely offensive slur but is also closely linked to slavery and the brutalities of that subject. The funny thing is that when a white politician was called that word a few years ago, the white people were far more freaked out than the ethnic group it's supposed to be offensive to. In like 75% of rap that word is used repeatedly. In my favorite movie (Django: Unchained) the word is used 38 times (although it was supposed to be over 100). In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, it's used 213 times. A teacher makes his students say it out loud 6 or 7 times to get them comfortable with the word before they read the novel. Why? Because it's part of history, and history needs to be remembered. In fact, I'm only not saying it here because KS would probably delete my account if I did. Which goes to only further the point I'm making here.

Now with that background, I'd like to mention another word that KS may or may not consider a swear but I'll censor it anyway: sq**w. Not common but still very offensive, it was used to describe Native American women. Just as the n-word was used in regular day-to-day language, this word was too. Today, it's only spoken rarely and is silenced immediately. But why should these words be forgotten by society? Why should culture lose what was once an essential part of everyday life? Why should we sacrifice one of the important aspects of remembrance?

I was inspired to write this for you today because a few weeks ago I watched a bit on SNL Weekend Update where a guest (a real one; this wasn't a skit) was talking about the word, its use, and cracking jokes about it. After her discussion with Colin Jost, he asked her: "Wait so, can we, like, can we say it here?" while they were on air. She said "Up to you, ******." This was all while they were on air and live, and I have no idea if the last part was actually in the script.

Guess what? Honestly I think that "****-skin" and "red-skins" are more offensive than the other two I just talked about because the former ones are generic names that were considered proper, while these latter two actually show hatred and immense disrespect. I've been made fun of for my complexion although never been called names like this. 

You decide the moral. Comment your thoughts. Again, NO OFFENSE is meant by this and it was only for contemplation. I'm not saying that I'm going to go around using super offensive racial slurs. I'm just pointing out that these are a crucial parts of ethnic histories and it seems wrong to treat them the way we do. Yeah, they're offensive and probably always will be. I also don't advise going around and using them in everyday language (although there are plenty that do). I will repeat that you have my greatest apologies if this offends anyone and I promise to take this question down immediately if it does. I just hope that we can all remember something from this. Maybe, you, something about the subject of remembrance itself.

3 Answers

+3 votes
by (550k points)
Best answer
I think I know what the n word is. It's also used in Of Mice and Men (which i had to read for school in 9th grade). I have no clue how many times it's used though.
by (228k points)
i know what the n word is sadly..
by (127k points)
@MCN I’ve never actually read that one ironically.
by (790k points)
I know the word as well

we were reading a book with it in the 6th grade-
0 votes
by (116k points)
Aye I like Django
+3 votes
by (965k points)
I’ve seen the n-word in a book I read 10 times in class (over the last 2 years). (Also, that book was historical fiction set in the 1860s) I personally think it is offensive though, offensive enough to not say at all.

As for the other two, I haven’t heard of the second slur, and I know the non-censored version of the 3rd slur (red-skin). I know in the USA, a law passed in 2020 preventing major sports teams from using Native American names. The Cleveland Indians renamed to the Cleveland Guardians.
by (530k points)
And the team named Redskins needed to be changed because the Native Americans didn't like it.
by (965k points)
The Kansas City Chiefs haven’t renamed though. Neither did the Spokane Indians rename. (The Spokane Indians are a Single-A Minor League Baseball team, one step up from rookieball)
by (127k points)
Yeah I’m from Ohio and that was just weird. Guess what? The local sports teams are called the Indians. They thoughts it was weird that everyone was so worked up about the word. We asked them. They were just like “yeah we literally don’t care at all.”
by (1.34m points)

They thoughts it was weird that everyone was so worked up about the word. We asked them. They were just like “yeah we literally don’t care at all.”

Yeah, if they got permission from them, it should be fine. 

by (127k points)
It'd be hard to get permission from every single tribe in the States though. Especially since they're so dysfunctional on the rez's.

Also forgive my typo, I didn't notice that 'till now.
by (1.34m points)
I think just the local tribe for a local sports team
by (127k points)
There isn't a single rez in Ohio I don't think. Especially not around Cleveland.

Trust me, I'd know.

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