+10 votes
in Carly's Genealogy Advice Column by (790k points)

To celebrate 6 months of me being a Genealogist (That is a lot) I am gonna give some advice to beginner genealogists

also, 207 out of all my 209 have "Nice answer" badge, meaning 2 or more upvotes. that is a very good ratio

Genealogy is the study of one's Family history. this includes researching your relatives (both living and dead) and learning about stuff like their birth and death years, daily lives, their relationships etc. Althrought Genealogy is ranked as a hobby that is extremely productive, Genealogy is also expensive and hard. here is my advice :)

The 1st advice is that you ask your parents or grandparents about where youre from or what was life back then. This is one of my very 1st steps in my journey, and that is how I learnt that one of my ancestors (dad's side) fought in the Alamo! However, this is just a simple step and wont be useful once you finished learning about them

2nd, use a Genealogy website. This is extremely useful because you can already fill in a family tree, talk in forums to other Genealogists, find images and news involving your family history, conduct DNA testing and many other things. I recommend using Myheritage since it is mostly free (the only things you have to pay are their DNA testing kits and No ads)

3rd, go to centers. Even thought Mainstream genealogy centers arent as big as before due to Online genealogy sites like Myheritage, Ancestry and 23andme, A lot of Libraries have Genealogy supplies that you can use. Some of them even have genealogical databases that you can explore. The Genealogy center I live in is permamently shut down, but my library still excists

Anyways, this is all my advice so far. If you want more, I may ask KidzTalk to make a Genealogy advice column. Until next time

5 Answers

+2 votes
by (121k points)
Best answer
that is some great advice :D
I want to be a genealogist to learn something about my Finnish ancestors
0 votes
by (790k points)


+1 vote
by (964k points)
Meanwhile my ratio of answers with more than 2 upvotes to total answers is 571:4311. You’ve got a great ratio.
by (790k points)
0 votes
by (790k points)

Btw KT, can the advice column be called Carly's Genealogy Advice column 

+1 vote
by (64.4k points)

Okay thanks! Good to know wink_smile

by (790k points)
you want to be a Genealogist?
by (64.4k points)
Maybe! That would be cool
by (790k points)
I opened a Genealogy advice column so maybe you can ask me something there
by (64.4k points)
Ok, I probably will
by (790k points)


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