+10 votes
in Personal by (114k points)
  1. My face (because im scared of being ugly)
  2. Being flat (because my (ex) friend pointed it out)
  3. Any of my feelings (because all you have to do is lock them in a box, throw them in the ocean, bury them, and burn them)
  4. Being friendless (because none of my bffs ever stuck)
  5. Being meaningless (because there is one particular girl who makes me feel like I wanna k!ll myself)
  6. Being not good enough (because my brother will ALWAYS point out, "oh she's better at dancing then you" or "oh, you just started, you will never get to Broadway")
  7. Bad grades (I honestly don't know why because Ive always had good grades)
  8. My legs (THEY ARE SO HAIRYYY)
  9. My body (I don't feel strong enough or skinny enough)
  10. When im older being jobless or having a bad job (because im scared of not succeeding)

5 Answers

0 votes
by (228k points)
Same on 6 and 7 :,(
0 votes
by (214k points)
Even with insecurities, you are still beautiful! Try not to let these things get to your head, and instead focus on the positive things! If you change your mindset, you can change how you perceive yourself and learn to love how you are!
+1 vote
by (161k points)
When you look like a skeleton, you’re short, going through problems with friends, balancing everything in life, and hunting all at once

I wrote this in a deer blind hunting with my dad
0 votes
by (137k points)
All you have to do is toss out those insecurities, they're meaningless in days to come. Just work on the things that you can change instead of worrying about things you can't.
0 votes
by (790k points)
I feel very bad for you

My main insecurities are that i have weird interests, and that I am always worried about the future. Also, I sometimes treat my Autisim as a insecurity.
by (114k points)
You can't control Autism. I actually mentioned Autism Spectrum Disorder in my Kid Governor speech as one of the many "mental disabilities" (mental disorders) that effect children every day.
by (790k points)
aww thanks

and yes, I know that.

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