+4 votes
in Guess / Riddles / Quizzes by (116k points)

First to solve this wins and will get a mystery prize. Try your best to answer these questions without looking it up. If you need to look it up, post your answer first and then you can follow your curiosity. NO CHEATING PLEASE. 


  1. What is brown and has a tail, a head, and no legs?

  2. What was the highest mountain on Earth before Mount Everest was discovered?

  3. What is stronger than steel but can’t handle the sun?

  4. If all Wibbles are Criggles, all Borkins are Kwumblins, no Hoggles are Borkins, and all Criggles are Borkins, is it true that all Borkins are Criggles?

  5. Two cars were involved in an accident in the center of town. The driver of the little green car had overtaken a big black car. But he misjudged the distance between them and had to swerve back in, causing the black car to crash into a shop window. When the occupants of the cars were examined, everyone in the green car was okay, but in the black car was one dead man. But the driver of the green car was not charged. Why?

  6. You can carry it everywhere you go, but it never gets heavy. What is it?

  7. Extracted from a mine, closed in a wooden case, and never released but used by everybody. What is it?

  8. Why are 1999 dollar bills worth more than 1998 dollar bills?

  9. A man was killed in the shop. Two friends, Mary and Stacy, found the body and called the police. Mary got frightened and hysterical when the cops arrived, while Stacy didn’t even look at the body. Stacy was happy and only noticed the number of the policeman. The next day she killed Mary. Why?

  10. I am big and yellow and come in the morning to make moms’ day. What am I?

  11. I have no flesh, bones, feathers, or scales, but I have my own fingers and thumbs. What am I?

  12. I am as light as a feather, but no man can hold me for long. What am I?

The answers: KIDZSEARCH please delete the answers from the post so people don't see it... THANKS


1. A penny 

2. Mount Everest 

3. Ice 

4. No. Because all wobbles are not kwumblins, no hoggles are borkins, and all criggles are borkins 

5. The black car had a coffin carrying a dead body to the funeral 

6. Your Name 

7. Pencil Lead 

8. Because it has one more. Just like 3 is greater than 2 

9. She fell in love with the policemen and wanted him to come back 

10. School Bus 

11. Gloves 

12. Breath


WAYYYYY TO HARD (3 votes, 100%)
looked up ~half (0 votes)
SOLVED EZPZ (0 votes)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (206k points)
Best answer
Sorry I cant do this KidzSearch didnt delete the answers. I would have but now I cant without cheating
by (116k points)
dewd yyyyyyyyyyy ks

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