+3 votes
in Personal by
I know she wants the best for me but I was kinda having a fit cuz I didn’t want to study (cuz I alr did my hw) and like she yelled at me and then I went to my room and started acting crazy and yelling then she came into my room and kinda like pulled my hair and hit me on the back.

I know I should’ve behaved well but idk if it’s normal or not

13 Answers

0 votes
by (10.6k points)
it's far from normal.
0 votes
I am not to sure because I have not had any experience with this but I'm sure this isn't right talk to ur dad if u have 1 if not any relative but without your mum and tell them what happened if I was mad I wouldn't hit them because they only did something wrong once but where she hit u is what matters because if it was the butt it's OK but the back is not -Loonylivegood357
+1 vote
by (529k points)
It is not okay for a parent to hit you anywhere for any reason. It sends the wrong message, and if you really want to punish your child, take away something they love most.
Depending on how hard she hit you and if it left a mark, it may or may not be abuse.
+1 vote
by (156k points)
Where exactly on your back? Like butt or actual back.
+1 vote
by (161k points)
Why is everyone calling this “abuse”?

The mom had a valid reason to punish this user.

Abuse is hitting and physically (or mentally, psychologically, etc.) assaulting your child without good reason.

The person didn’t want to study, argued, went to their room, acted crazy, and the mom punished them.

It’s honestly dumb that people call this abuse- when I was a smaller kid, my parents would spank me if I misbehaved.

I am a functioning member of society, and I think without the punishment I received, I’d be a complete brat.
by (266k points)
Idk man, I've never been a fan of putting hands on kids unless it's absolutely mandatory.

Although, this seemed like a one-time situation, so I wouldn't go so far as to call it 'abuse,' really, but the parent seemed in the wrong.
by (61.1k points)
Yeah, i dont really know…it IS punishment but if it actually left a mark or a bruise or smtg…that’s physical abuse…
by (161k points)
This is not the right atmosphere for a funny quote that I had in mind.

It would go really well with the topic, but it’d be badly timed.
by (161k points)
It’s kind of a weird quote lol

It probably won’t be approved.
0 votes
by (967k points)

Dude, that’s abuse.

0 votes
by (5.3k points)
No, it is not okay for your mom to hit you. Physical violence is never an acceptable way to discipline a child, regardless of the situation. It is important to talk to a trusted adult or counselor about the situation and seek support in finding healthier ways to resolve conflicts with your mom. Remember that you deserve to be treated with respect and kindness.
0 votes
Well its okay to spank but hitting Is normal as long as she doesn't do it all the time
by (33.7k points)
Spanking is even worse than hitting.
by (156k points)
Spanking is actually legal tho.
Spanking teaches a lesson

Hitting also

But if you hit or spank them for no reason that's abuse
0 votes
by (28.1k points)
It depends if it was hard how hard would u say it was on a level from 1-10
0 votes
by (33.7k points)
thats child abuse.

call child protection service

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