+3 votes
in Life and bracelets by (541k points)



Welcome BacK.

I aM gOiNg tO aSk a veryveryveryvery person question.

So you might wanna leave now.
























































Hello again.


The big hey hey not THAT big. Just a big noooo for the hundredth time not THAT TYPE OF BIG. Just a Big no that does not mean I want it to be little. Just regular. Ok so anyway the big regular Oh gosh you know what??

I give up. finger-upNo not up. I give up. finger-up:

anyway what do you guys read my voice as??

I read gamekid's voice like, hmm actually idk.

Thats the question. ?

What do yall think??


7 Answers

+1 vote
by (303k points)
Best answer

well, like have you ever watched Victorious?

it's a lil old, but i read it how Tori sounds lol

how do you read my voice?!?! :3
by (541k points)
Like I light boy voice.

Like inbeetween deep and squeaky. Lol
by (206k points)
Like my voice
by (59.0k points)
I read Joels voice as casual and not that deep. I read Chelsea’s voice as……..caring but playful. I read Anna’s voice as cheerful and bright but also a bit serious if the matter is serious.
by (541k points)
Aww ty
by (59.0k points)
by (206k points)
Thats cool. I read yours like mine
+1 vote
by (228k points)
I read it kinda like light & happy

What do you think I sound like??
by (541k points)
I think u sound like a cheerful supporter like a high voice of you got this or smthg
by (228k points)

I have a voice thats not super high pitched but not deep either
+1 vote
In my head I read stuff in Emma Watson's voice. (Hermione)
+1 vote
by (550k points)
I just read everything in my own voice honestly (even if the person is a boy)
by (156k points)
Same lol.
by (206k points)
+1 vote
Lol! Um, I can't really describe, but like happy and bubbly. Lol I am a weirdo!!!!
by (541k points)
Ur not a weirdo.

Ur a cool-o
Aw, thx girl!
+1 vote
by (530k points)
I honestly am not sure x3
+1 vote
by (206k points)
Um I know U R younger but for some weird reason I read your voice like my voice
by (965k points)
I read everybody’s voice like my voice.

It’s how I read.


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