+1 vote
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I think its unfair for everyone without users don't have more accessibility to stuff. People with users have way more things they can do than the non-usered people. I'm sure my fellow

 non-usered agree i'm sure. I'm not just speaking for myself here. It's very unfair to us who don't have a account. I promise I am speaking for everyone when saying this. Us non-usered need a few more things we can do without a account. And I think on Kidznet its the same problem. I wish to not get fussed at for this KS and I hope you give people who don't have accounts a little more power than they have. Everyone if you think KS should give the people without accounts more power than upvote this and answer so this stays at the top!


The-non-accounted-representitive Queen cat

7 Answers

+1 vote
by (206k points)
Best answer
0 votes
by (156k points)
Its actually quite easy to create an account. As long as you have an email.

Also, what more are you wanting? Just create an account if your so upset about it.
0 votes
by (266k points)
Well, I think part of the reason is to prevent spam.
+1 vote
by (155k points)
I absolutely agree! I think the problem is they can’t really give features such as upvotes or flagging to unregistered users because it would be very hard to prevent spam. But yeah, you guys should at least be able to do a few more things.
+1 vote
by (34.4k points)
This is quite true. Actually in fact, when I did get my posts back from KT, I didn't even get all of them. ( I didn't say anything)
+1 vote
Ikr, I agree!
+1 vote
by (116k points)
What are some examples of things you want un-registered users to have??
Idk I just think the unregistered should have more things they can do.
by (156k points)
Like what?

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