+5 votes
in Life and bracelets by (541k points)

I know its pathetic to miss your mom and think that this sudden death is all your fault but I can't help it you guys. I just feel like this is all my fault and I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I miss my mom. I miss her so much. I already told Joel in private messages what really happened (Gamekid aka Anna please don't get mad that I talked to Joel I'm sorry ok??) but I guess I will just juice up my courage and tell you guys what REALLY happened that night.


I guess I am going to say it.

Yeah probably.

Why am I not crying??

I guess it feels old.

But why??????

Why do I have to be parentless at 12??

But if you want to here it then I will tell you. I was literally eating dinner and getting ready for bed and I was talking to the twins when the phone rang. My aunt went to get the phone and her face turned so pale she looked like she had seen a ghost. I was totally scared about what happened. She said "are you sureL "how when who??" And then she hung up and had tears in her eyes and she came to hug me. She said "Chelsea that was the police". Your mother was found at a club on the floor and she was taking some things she should not have taken and she...she didn't make it. She died." When I heard those words I just about fainted. I just stood there. I got Goosebumps. I felt like I could not get in any air. All I could do was whisper "are you sure" and she said yes".

I have to leave out a ton of parts I know you are very mature and you can definitely here those parts but I want it to get approved by kidztalk moderators so I am keeping it clean.

Here is the part that makes me cry so hard though.

At least with my dad I was holding his hand when he passed away and I was with him. But my mom..

I love her.


ii didn't even get to say goodbye to her.


14 Answers

+2 votes
by (161k points)
Best answer
Chels, you’re a good person.

You don’t deserve this.

I wanna say that you are unique.

You are different from every person here.

And that’s why we love you- you light up everyone’s faces in your amazing way.

Just know that even though you may have lost your mother, you have not lost us.
by (541k points)

I think I'm crying rn.



I love all of you too.

I hope I never lose ya'll.

Kidztalk is my family basically. And your like my brother.

0 votes
by (2.0k points)
Maybe look at things that feel nostalgic to you? that tends to cheer me up.
by (541k points)

+1 vote
by (119k points)
I’m so sorry chels

You don’t deserve this
by (541k points)
Thx pizza.

It really means alot coming from you.


I kinda thought u were mad at me.

Youe not right!?
by (119k points)
Of course not! Why would you think that?!
by (541k points)
Becuz of the adi post idk

But im glad ur not
+1 vote
by (4.5k points)
Chels -

I don't even know you

but you seem like a really good person. I know what it feels like to lose someone you love. - for me it was my grandpa. For me, my 8 year old brain went through this too and I had to do a little mantra everyday for me. Idk if that will work for you but - i'm so sorry. <3 sending wishes and prayers to your family
by (541k points)
Thanks neevie.

I know your new and you just seem like a good person too. I messaged you around an hour ago to get to meet you because you seemed like a good person too!! And I hope we can be friends.!!.

Could we??





+1 vote
by (132k points)
Chels im so sorry!

I wish I could be there for you in real life and comfort you. I know you miss your Mom. I know how it hurts. But you can and will get through this pain. And, it's not pathetic to miss your Mom. I know I would.

Remember that you may not be able to see her, but she will always be in your heart.

*hugs you a zillion times*

I love you as a friend!

Everybody on KT does!

if you need to vent (like I said) you can PM me and tell me all your troubles!

stay strong you don't deserve to go through this!

by (541k points)
Thx sunshine.

I will!!


I promise to stay ur friend forever.
+1 vote
by (228k points)

Okay.. It's NOT WEIRD OR STUPID to miss your mom. We're all human and all have feelings. If that happened to me, i would feel the same.

I'm so sorry that happened. Nobody deserves that. We're all here for you and we all love you sm. (p) 

I can't imagine how horrible that feels. 

Just remember, you are such a good person and we need you on here.

~With all of the love, Eva heart

by (541k points)


Thx girl

by (228k points)
+1 vote
by (99.5k points)
Ohh- Chelsea, u don't deserve this:(

U don't deserve one bit. You are one of the best people, and you always find positivity. You are the sweetest thing and I'm so sorry that happened to you. But u gotta stay strong for me, okay? You're like a sister to me,  and I love you:)

No hurricane, no rainbow:)

Just remember that, okay??

Ooh! I'll make you a wallpaper for your phone :)


Love ya,

by (541k points)
Aww thanks!!

I can't wait to se it!!

And yeah,

I love u (p) too!!
+1 vote
by (39.2k points)

Chels I am so sorry that happened to you! You don't deserve to have this happen to you! Omg I'm so sorry:(

Well she's in a good place now right? I'm gonna pm you right now! 

Don't think about it! Ok? Stay strongflex-biceps

*hugs you*

by (541k points)

and i am answring ur mesage bestieeeeee

talk soon xoxo,

by (39.2k points)
+1 vote
by (59.0k points)

U don’t deserve to be going thru this.

It’s not right.

I’m glad u told us, but still.

This is horrible.

It’s not pathetic to be sad.

Remember that we are always here 4 u.

by (541k points)



ill try

by (59.0k points)
Thank u. Ilysm(p)
+1 vote
by (14.0k points)
Chelsea, I'm on your side. I'm always here for you. Always. ❤️❤️❤️
by (541k points)
Thanks girl.

Your a good friend!


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