+17 votes
in Other by (541k points)
Love this.

Joel. Because they are so kind and caring and always listen to my problems. And they are funny. I can't even explain how much you have changed my life. Your just...THAT AWESOME. I don't even know what else to say. Your my number one friend and cheerer oner lol,

Carly: Carly is really sweet and thinks of my as her little sister. Whenever she answers my posts, it always makes me happy.

Sloth: You have a hilarious sense of humor. You always make me smile even when you don't even mean to make me smile you do.

Athena kid: Ur so sweet and such a good friend!!

Gamekid: You are my best friend here on kidztalk and i love you so much as a bestie and think you are amazing!

Swiftie2013: You. Well. Not much for me to say. You changed my life in an awesome way. Your my cheerleader, little sister, support team, and my best friend. Ilysm as a bestie and hope to be friends and besties forever.

Strawberry bliss: You have been my bestie since the day you joined. Your a really great friend. And an even better bestie. You always listen to all of my problems and try to help in every way that you can. Ilysm (p) and hope we can always be friends.

Yellow cat: You are so cool and I love you as a friend and tysm for joining kidztalk. I know you probably don' know me super duper well but I know you well enough that I 100% consider you as one of my great friends!! Tysm and ur awesome!!

Kittycat99: Your super funny and cool and so organized inside and out. Even though we only met like, at the beginning of April I feel like a big and long friendship is going to form between the two of us too!! And never ever forget hoe awesomely awesome you are and how so many many people here on kidztalk love you so much!! Xx chels

Pizzalover11: omigod if I could say in just words how much you mean to me I would. Your beautifully beautiful inside and out. Your beautiful on the outside and you have gorgeous hair. More gorgeous hair then all of us combined!! You have the sweetest melt your heart would of any of my friends I have ever known. Ilysm as a friend and hope we will be friends forever. Pizza your the best friend anyone could ever imagine and I don't even know how. How. How. How. How. How. How. I could say how much we all love you!! Tysm for always being there for me andi hope you will recognize how amazingly amazing you are!! XD

Sunshine swiftie: Your the sunnyest freind if them all. Abd thats not just becaauecyou changed your usersame to sunshine swiftie. Your attitude on here and your style and everything abou you is just so sunny and sweet. You might even be the sunniest attitude of all of my friends i know!!

Sparkle rose: I know you probably hated me for a little while well I accidentally spammed mcn's post. I said I wad sorry ane you forgave me very quickly. Andi was happy about that. Your a forgiving person I guess. I like how honest you are, how calm you are. And even though we are the same age I feel like your kinda my older sister one here!! XD

Minecraftnerd: You are just amazingly awesomeness in every shape and form. Whenever I ask you for advice or just vent to you, your super sweet and nice to be. Ilysm (p) and value you as a friend more then you can know. Remember your amazing.

Slay2231: You have been my best friend since early December. You were probably one of my FIRST best friends on here. We met on Christmas day. And I loved that day so much because you are my sister. And my first ever best friend. Your the perfect best friend I ever imagined.

Eloquentracer92: You were one of my first friends here on kidztalk. You are so awesome and I love and will always love your easy going and fun personality tysm for lawyss being there for me and making great posts and being my friend

Hansa that gansta: Your sort of like my older sister sometimes. I love all of your posts and think that you are super cool!! Tysm for being awesome to us all!!

Love_doll1111: You have super pretty nails and I love your hair revelas and all of your posts are always sosososos cute and even if I don't always answer them all I always read them. You ask good questions, you make good polls. You give GREAT ANSWERS. Tysm for being awesome to me!! Xx, chels

Lori: Ilysm as a friend and think you are about one of the nicest girl I have ever seen on kidztalk. Thank you for always trying to cheer me up and I think your sososososososossososo great and I love your hair revelas and your incredibly incredible at art!! We all love you as a friend and hope that you never leave!!

Sophvoge??????: You are so cool and I love your bracelet posts and tysm for always being such a cool person in general and even though you are super duper new to kidztalk you are to cool and funny!! I loved my bracelet and tysm for being my friend!! XD

Flaming phoenix: You are super cool and mature and awesome in general and your so coo and i hope we can get to know each other better during my time on kidztalk!! Yayayayayayayayayay XD

Catholicgirly887: Even if you don't ever read this because you left unfortunately. I think you are an amazing person who supports everyone on kidztalk and you wouldn't hurt a fly. (unless you had to do it for me) your an amazing girl and I hope you know how much we all loved and still love you and your beautiful heart and personality.

Lena: You are super sweet and a great Friend and your about the most sweet and considerate person that I have probably ever met. You just have that attitude that makes us all smile and you just brighten up my day even if you are not super active sometimes you are really sweet and thats about all!! Tysm for always caring about me girly!!

Hyude dude: You always give me the best advice for my diabetes. And your fun, wholesome, and overall awesome for an adult. And to be honest, your the most fun adult I have ever met in my life!! You are silly, but you can be serious too. We all love you and thank you for being the best kidztalk moderator you can ever be!!

Gravity centered: You are an amazing older brother to me. If you are older then me haha. But you are kind caring, And have a tough side, I would always feel safe around you because of your strong personality. But your also really funny!! Just like shred really. You guys are basically like twins really!! Thank you for always looking out for me.

Grim: You are really new to kidztalk. But you are one of my closest friends that I have ever had. You are super sweet, and funny, and appreciative of everyone and you also would not ever hurt a fly. Even with all you have gone through, your an amazing person and I can't get to know you even better then I already do. Your amazing and never forget it.

Theatredanceadi: You are an amazing person you do awesome posts, your honest, and very brave too. You are super cool and way more mature then me!! You are super sweet too!! But you also have a spicy side. Which is why I love you so much as a friend. You are so cool!! Thank you for always giving me good advice and supporting my posts!!

Justagirl: I can't even say in words how amazing you are: You are so nice to me you are always willing to talk to me about just everything. You are an amazing human being in general and an even better friend. I love you so much as a bestie and hope we can chat all the time!! Never forget how loved you are by me and everyone else on kidztalk!!

Corn: You are a super talented, good advice giver, best ever at being nice friend. You always make cool posts. Your not on kidztalk that much but I hope you can be more active sometime so we can chat!! I absolutely love your personality too and think your a great person and a caring kind girl!! Thanks for being there for me through everything.

Theatregirl: You are sooooooooooooooooooooooo funny and sweet and you always make me laugh even though you are going through some complicated things of your own you still make an effort to be there for me and you always are reminding me how awesome I am. Which is the boost u sometimes forget to think.

Nobodyimportant: How how how how how how can I even speak the words of what you are. You are soe thing special my friend. I can't even describe you. Your forgiving, kind, awesomely awesome sauce and sweet and just never likes to start fights and always wants to join in on some fun!! Your super sweet. But whenever someone seems to be treated badly, or is bullied, you take charge of the situation. Tysm for being there for me from the start!! You are one of the best things that has happened to me so far in my life.

Horselover: You are so amazing. Your heart just wants me to be happy. Your always worrying about me. Which is what a good friend would be like, your kind sweet, and have a spicy side if you need it. You always answer my posts. ALWAYS and you message me asking how you can help me feel better and your always including me in everything and ilysmsmsmsmsmdmsmdmdmdsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmssmsmsmms (p) thank you for being amazing to me and never forget how loved you are by all of us!!

Queen cat: You have been my best friend through and through and your an amazing girl and your my best friend here on kidztalk you might even be one of my oldest friends on here. You are just MY BEST ONLINE BESTIE I HAVE EVER HAD I WISH YOU COULD GET AN ACCOUNT SO WE COULD CHAT EVERY SINGLE DAY EHEHEHEHEHEEHEE.

Wolflover123: You are me: We are twins forever and we are made to be friends. Your heart is made of actual gold and you love everyone equally and your so awesome and you are the sweetest most understanding friend I have ever had. Ilysm (p) and you would probably even smash down McDonald's for me!!

Keigoheardanamie: Your a great supportive friend. We have lots in common. Even though we have had our ups and downs' I know you will be my friend forever and ever!!

Owl: You can't stand bullying, you don't even like fighting but boy oh boy if you have to you will. You are the kindest gentlest sweetest adorably awesome person ever. You were one of my very first good friends on kidztalk. You have always helped me through all of my ups and downs. You are always saying such encouraging things to me. Your just so awesome!!

Alpha ruel: Your like a really protective older brother to me. Your super cool. A chill dude in general. Your really good with tech type of stuff and you like to help people out and your really good at catching inappropriate stuff on kidzsearch to show kidztalk. Thanks for being so awesome to all of us! ! I'm so glad you joined kidztalk!! Your greatly great!!

Fluffy puppy: Your super cool and I love all of your posts. Even if you don't know me very well, your amazing.

Coolgir1; your so cool sbd i love your messages!!

If I forgot you just tell me to add you in!!

I hope this helps patch up our broken kidztalk community. Even a little. I like to make a little difference in my community of love.

by (17.3k points)
u forgot me :(

25 Answers

+1 vote
by (530k points)
Best answer
Thank you so much, Chelsea :]
by (541k points)
Your so welcome ma friend.

Your amazing.

And nobitastic
+1 vote
by (87.3k points)

OMG this is so late I just saw this thank you so much!! We are in the process of getting to know each other better!! Luv you <3

Mature tho?? Are you sure about that?? wonderinga-=D

+1 vote
by (24.1k points)

OMG Thank u soooooooooo much Chelsea teeth_smile

+1 vote
by (64.4k points)
Omg thanks!!!:D
+1 vote
by (39.2k points)
I love ya girly!!!!

I hope you will stay my bestie/big sister forever<3

          -Swiftie <3
+1 vote
by (28.3k points)
That is the most meaningful thing anyone has ever said to me.

I would def smash mcdonalds for you without any hesitation


I also made a qoute about friendship


"Even though the years change sometimes friendship can last a lifetime"- wolflover the girl who likes to use the threat mcdonalds.

Luv ya chels
+1 vote
by (99.5k points)
Awee :']


ILY and I'm not afraid to stand up for who I love. :]
+1 vote
AWWWW CHELS THANK YOU SO MUUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! I THINK YOUR THE BEST FRIEND I EVER HAD ON KIDZTALK TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Well I probably won't get an account until 15. The only reason I am not getting one now is because my parents don't know i'm on here. And I don't have my own email. I'll get one eventually though. Chelsea I love you!!! (Plat)


Queen cat
+1 vote
by (156k points)
1 you forgot me, but its fine

2. What drama is going on!?! I left for 9 days and what seems like a  whole era happened in that time!!! Please give me the link to the post so I can see what's going on!!!
+1 vote
by (132k points)

Not me?omg_smilecry_smile

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