+7 votes
in Mental Health by (77.2k points)
I've recently been forgetting a lot of things. Whether it be tasks I need to do or in my case now, my lunch box. We leave our lunch boxes in a bring and two students bring it down and up. Down to the cafeteria before recess (we have recess first then lunch) then up to the class after lunch.

In addition, my new stray kids bracelet broke. The latch did. It dropped off my wrist and when I went to get picked up (my mom picks me up) i noticed it wasn't on my wrist so I told her I'd be back. Long story short, I found it. And even then, I still forgot my lunch box. I feel like a failure. I'm on the verge of breaking down. I've been listening to Chan's advice he's shared from his live streams on repeat.

Now my moms mad. And I can't cry because my face will be all red and stuff. Any help?
by (119k points)
Don't ask who the 5th upvote is...
by (77.2k points)
That wasn’t necessary -_-
by (119k points)

5 Answers

0 votes
by (266k points)
Best answer

Awww, sounds like you've just had a rough day! :(

Forgetting things is normal- especially your lunchbox! a-=D I used to forget mine ALL the time, and I still forget my lunchbox and leave it in my locker ALL the time :p Chances are it is right where you left it, or someone took it to the lost and found! And even if you can't find it, it's just a lunchbox- you can always use a paper bad or get a new one :)

AND RIP TO YOUR BRACELET praying-hands But sounds like an easy fix if you still have most of the bracelet! All you need is a new clasp and something to help clamp it on the the chain, and there you go! You can find clasps and pliers at craft stores- they're very easy to come across!

I'm sorry your mom is mad at you, too. My mom is mad at me atm to rn HAHAHA. But just know that it'll pass, and before you know it, everything will be back to normal! :) 

Anyways, I hoped this helped some bit! Just remember that tomorrow is a brand-new day, and you'll make the most of it! Lmk if you need anything else though! download

Good luck!!

by (77.2k points)
Thanks Cheer. This helped. I'm trying to be more productive in my mornings. My school starts at 8:30 and today I woke at 6:30. I was more productive and felt better in the day.

Luckily I found the bracelet just without the clasp- yk the thing the stick like lays on? Like theres holes on the band an dyou fit teh stick in th eone to your adjusting? STOP THIS SOUNDS WEIRD PLEASE DONT. (sounds like something Tommyinnit would say-)

I'll try to go to my local craft store! Story time: This was it's second gen becaus ethe first one got lost in th email but turns out it didn't- and it arrived today- so we're returning the second one my sister ordered for me along with the broken one without the clasp, and used it to replace the new one. Haha. So I keep teh first gen new one and return the second gen one hehe. Since there the same design.

Love you Cheer <3
0 votes
by (90.4k points)

Love u I hope you feel better, that sounds like a rough day. heart

I have days where I forget but if it becomes a problem talk to your mom.

0 votes
by (64.7k points)
Just a tip if you wanna do it: make a list of everything you bring to school and keep it in your pocket, and before you leave, check you backpack and make sure everything is there... that might help, idk, but hope ya feel better!
by (43.9k points)
Yeah keeping a list of everything and checking it and then your backpack at the end of the day is a pretty good idea
0 votes
by (547k points)
In so sorry. I'm just so sorry. It sucks. I also have a lot of trouble remembering things these days. I know its hard. I don't even have advice.

Im advice-less.

Just keep being the awesome Chan we all know and love.


And om me anytime

by (119k points)
I read that last word totally wrong...
by (77.2k points)
Hey, atleats you commented on the post :)

I'll try to get back to you when I can!
0 votes
Try writing a list of thing to do, or a list that fits in your pocket that has all the things that you don’t want to forget and when your waiting for someone to pick you up you can check the list and make sure you have everything. I hope that helps.
by (77.2k points)
OMG Rainbow Kitty this is so smart! I have a small notebook so I'll use it to do this! Thank you!

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