+2 votes
in A Sloth’s Sanctuary! by (155k points)

You’re one of the most talented, intelligent and perfect people I know!

You have shining, glistening, colorful eyes, and silky skin. You have beautiful lips even if you think they’re too thin or too large. You have a beautiful body shape even if you think you’re “bony” or “fatty.” You have well-shaped eyebrows, stunning hair, and a wonderful personality. 

You are awesome even if you can’t or can draw, or crotchet, or play a sport, or game really well, or do karate, or design clothing, or enjoy animals, or hike, or bike, or write, or do school well, or read, or create music, or do theatre, or something else besides this. Whatever you have the ability to do is impressive and whatever you don’t have the ability to do is just fine!

You are perfect even if you are or aren’t rich, popular, an A+ student, an artist, and athlete, multilingual, fit and muscular, an author, a musician, and anything else you could or couldn’t consider yourself. 

You are valid and awesome even if you have a disability, even if you’re depressed or have anxiety, even if you’re neurodivergent, even if you’re different than the other kids in ways that often are portrayed negatively. The cool thing is, it’s actually a positive thing. And you’re still valid if you’re normal too.

I want you to understand, if you don’t, that you are a beautiful human being. Even if you don’t feel that way.

I want you to also understand that even as a beautiful human being, even if you are confident and lovely and whatnot, you help others rise and understand they are one too, instead of showing off how you are one.

I want those people who don’t understand to understand and those who do understand to help others understand. 

This circle of understanding will make life better.

So, say it with me. Out loud or in your head.

“I am gorgeous.”

“I am talented.”

“I am loved.“

“I am valid.”

“I will understand.”

Be humble but be confident. Be amazing and don’t conceal it but keep it kind! Help people. Share positivity.

“I will share positivity.”

Take a deep breath with me if you need to.

In once.

All the air you can, focus how it enters through your nose or mouth. You’re taking in all the good things about you.

Out next.

Slowly, all the way out, getting rid of all the bad thoughts and energy that we often get consumed by.

In now.

Think about how awesome you are.

Out again.

Think about how you can help people see how awesome they are.









You are wonderful. If you are still struggling to see leave an answer or comment and I’ll help you with that. 

Keep that in mind and find your balance. 

You’re awesome

6 Answers

0 votes
by (303k points)
Best answer


i think i just cried x3

you dont know HOW MUCH i needed this. <3

heres a heart to you, butterflyheart


thank you for everything you do! <33

0 votes
by (116k points)


Though I wouldn't consider my lips as shinny and plump :D

0 votes

heart You don’t know how much I needed this. :)

 your one of the sweetest people on here thank you.

0 votes
by (59.0k points)
Awwwww thanks soooooo much that was beautiful.

Except…I have a horrible cold so I tried to do ur breathing thing, but…

My nose is so clogged that I can’t breathe rn lol
0 votes
by (87.3k points)
This is beautiful

We need more people like you in this world

0 votes
I kinda skimmed through XD


but you're so nice!

That was one of the sweetest things I've ever heard~


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