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in General Pets / Animals Talk by

So, I really really really really really really really x100,000 want a dog. So much that I wrote an essay about why my family should have a dog.


Our Family Should Have a Dog 






Wroof Wroof! Did you know that Great Danes are called gentle giants?! I know what you are thinking, our family should have a dog, but, in my opinion I think that our family should have an adorable dog. I think that our family should have a dog because we can learn to become more responsible, we can get more exercise and outside time, we can learn about taking care of dogs, and we can learn to become more organized. 


The first reason why I think our family should get a dog is because our family can learn to become more responsible. Dogs need to be walked at least 3 times a day, they need food, and they need water. If our family were to get a dog, we would need to do these big responsibilities. I think our family will learn to become more responsible because we will have to take care of the dog. I know that dogs are hard to train, and puppies are harder to train. If our family all worked together to take care of our dog, it would not be as hard. So if we were to buy a puppy, our family would become even more responsible than if we were to buy a dog that is out of the puppy stage or an already trained dog, both of those are options for our family to consider. 



There are a lot of dog breeds that are good with kids. 15 good dog breeds for kids are:


  1. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

  2. Cavoodle

  3. Cockapoo

  4. Labrador Retriever

  5. Schnauzer

  6. Golden Retriever

  7. Beagle

  8. Bernese Mountain Dog

  9. Australian Cattle Dog

  10.  Boston Terrier 

  11.  Maltese

  12.  Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

  13.  Dachshund

  14.  Jack Russell Terrier

  15.  Border Collie


The second reason why I think our family should have a dog is because our family will get more exercise. I know that you love being outdoors and exercising. According to Google, "Walking your dog is not just about letting your dog go to the bathroom. Walking your dog provides mental stimulation, physical exercise, chances for socialization, and opportunities for behavioral training." It is important to make sure you and your dog get enough exercise. When you walk your dog, you and your adorable dog are outside and exercising. 


I know that you don't want a dog that sheds a lot. And you think that all dogs shed a lot, right? A way to prevent shedding  from happening is to brush our dog at least once a week. Eight dogs that don't shed/shed a lot are: 


  1. Poodle

  2. Maltese 

  3. Shih Tzu. 

  4. Yorkshire Terrier

  5. Miniature Schnauzer

  6. Beagles

  7. Dachshund 

  8. Taco Terrier


The third reason why I think our family should have a dog is because we could learn more about taking care of dogs if we buy one as a pet. It would be pretty cool to learn fun facts about dogs with your dog in your lap. Did you know that smaller dogs tend to live longer than bigger dogs? Dogs actually dream in their sleep! Did you know that your dog could be left or right handed, I mean pawed?


After doing some research, these 5 small dogs, who do not shed a lot,  would be perfect for our family. If you want to learn more about these dogs, click on the name for information about that type of dog:


  1. Beagle                          

  2. Dachshund                                                        

  3. Taco Terrier

  4. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel                                      

  5. Alpine Dachsbracke   



The last reason why I think our family should buy a cute, cuddly dog is because we can learn to become better organized. If our family commits to this big commitment, we will have to take care of our dog. So we can't lose their delicious food, fun toys, snug collar, and more. Imagine if you were a dog's pet, what would you do if your owner (the dog) lost your food, toys, collar and other things?


Wruff! Wruff! Now do you understand how much having a dog in our family means to me? Thank you so much for understanding how I feel. So can we please buy a dog for our family now? 


So, if you have a dog or dogs, can you help me??????


by (15.6k points)

I already have a dog, and I want another one, but trust me, begging for a dog does not help AT ALL. Instead of doing that, you want to prove that you're responsible enough to take this seriously. That means you need to do all of your chores on time, treat your parents with respect, work hard and get good grades in school, and be kind to your siblings. (if you have siblings) dog-face

same For 5 years i have been begging for another it has work

3 Answers

0 votes

Guys,all the time I try to convince my parents to do things they do not lisen

0 votes
by (543k points)
Four simple words:

Make a convincing slideshow!
0 votes
Get your parents together and list these arguments.

It is worth a try.



I will try.

but couldn't.

Anymore advice, Live?
Give what arguments???

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