+7 votes
in Other by
So basically, today in music me and my group (2 other girls) got moved to another room because we were being "too loud" and we were doing our work. Just then we heard some kind of locking noise and the lights kept going on and off in the corridors even though everyone was in their lesson(we're not allowed to go toilet during lessons) and when the teacher came in and we asked him about it, he said it's normal and it happens all the time when no one's in the school to him. I'm really creeped out and don't want to go back on Monday. Telling my parents is not an option as they don't believe in ghosts. I felt like I was being watched while I was in the room.

3 Answers

+1 vote
Here's some advice: 1. If you feel like you are being watched move from the you are at quickly 2.If someone is acting weird stay away from them (they could be possessed) 3. If you see something make sure it is real before you investigate.
+1 vote
Don't believe in ghosts! There is no such thing. Don't be scared
0 votes
by (550k points)
There is no such thing as ghosts, zombies, vampires, werewolves or anything like that.(except in some video games)

Also it's normal to sometimes feel like you are being watched.
by (965k points)
But there’s ghosts in the White House!
by (550k points)
no there aren't! Where is this information from? Reddit? REDDIT ISN'T RELIABLE!
by (965k points)
No. I didn’t get it from Reddit. I got it from actual books.
by (56.3k points)
by (965k points)
Most of them are, actually.

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