+2 votes
in Venting by
This is gonna be a long one IM sorry.

I've known thir girl, Kate, for years now but have never really interacted much with her because she was known around the school as the dramatic strange kid but was still pretty popular. Then a few months ago she just started following me and my boyfriend, James, around all over the place and trying to be our friend. We weren't exactly happy about it but we weren't going to be rude and ignore her so we became a trio of friends. Things were fine for a few months, and we went trick or treating together and had sleepovers with one another.

That's when Kate started getting really obsessive over certain things. Once I was hanging out with James and I got a text from Kate. She was asking if I was with my boyfriend and I said yes and asked if she was ok. She said she was and that she just wanted to know, but there was a strange tone to her voice.

Then, she admitted to having a crush on my boyfriend and me. Both of us. It made me genuinely uncomfortable and James said he felt the same but we continued being friends.

Then, a few weeks ago, Kate started making rude jokes about my appearance. She said my nose was so big I looked like a bird, and when I wore a shirt with some birds on it one day she wouldn't stop teasing me. In the beginning I just laughed it off but it genuinely bothered me and now I am insecure about my nose.

Kate also has this issue where her personality changes rapidly. One day she will be all smiles and the next she might ignore us, and the next day she would be depressed. Its strange and it can be really hard to be friends with her.

Finally, after all her bullying and teasing I confronted her. Me and James were both done with her attitude. I texted her how I felt and she started trying to blame us for the entire thing. She said it was on fault she didn't sit with us at lunch and why she ignored us sometimes which made no sense. I just blocked her number and James did as well.

I can't help thinking though if I was in the wrong. Any opinions?

6 Answers

+2 votes
by (967k points)
Best answer
You did the right thing by ditching Kate. Make sure to tell a trustworthy (teacher, lunch teacher, principal, etc.) adult that Kate’s bullying you.
by (28.9k points)
You 100% did the right thing and you handled it very well I don't think me or most people for that matter could be so calm patient and nice about it you shode be proud of your self but remember to kill em with kindness meaning remember always to be kind to her still.
by (967k points)
Thanks! You should be proud of yourself too. Same goes for everyone in the world!
+1 vote
by (64.3k points)
If someone is bullying you and not being nice then they're not a trustworthy friend.

You did the right thing, so don't feel bad, you can always find a new friend.
+1 vote
God will take care of her don't worry
+2 votes
by (156k points)
No. You don't need to hang around someone who bullies you or anyone else. If she ever asks to hang out with you just say " You know, Kate, I'm tired of you attitude, and your very rude. I've decided that I'm not your friend anymore.
0 votes
by (550k points)

I would do that too
+1 vote
U were Wright to do that

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