+8 votes
in Sparkle's Contests by (156k points)
So, I had another contest but nobody joined and its been like a month and a half. So, I'll host another contest!!! Welcome to my Winter Art Contest!!


You must draw something Winter-y Idc what it is just has to be winter related.

It must be YOURS! No stealing from a friend, sibling, online or anything else. Also you can not have used it in any other contest.

Have fun!!! I want you to enjoy this contest and do your best!!

Dealine: Feb. 20. ( I may extend)

You may begin!!!

Does this count? Lol! (This is a joke! I might actually enter something)

2 Answers

0 votes
by (64.3k points)
Question: Can it be a picture with pencil crayon drawn on it?
by (156k points)
You can draw it with anything except online stuff. And it has to be winters related
0 votes
by (64.3k points)
Cool, I'll so enter! But the thing is I don't know how to post pictures.
by (156k points)
So when you go to answer there is a little light gray thing above where you type one of those little icons on it is like a picture with mountains. Click it then at the top of what pops up it the last one will say Upload. Click upload then click Choose File you'll choose from your gallery. And then click send it to the server. Then your all done!! If you need more help ask KS.
by (64.3k points)
I'll try to enter, as long as I try to understand your instructions.

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