+13 votes
in Flaming Pheonix's Fun Blog by (103k points)

Hi. The book club last time was a *flop*. I know. I'm sad too!!!!!!!!!!!!! However, I HAVE A SOLUTION!!!!boogie We can choose a book everyone knows! We are also going to make a new club before that, and I can have max 10 people. We're prob not going to get that many requests, but answer if you want to be in the book club, and in a later post once we get either 10 requests or if its been like a month and nobody else is going to request, I will post the names and you people can type a few books you liked and read, and also pls make sure it is appropriate (no swearing please), and use your common sense if its appropriate. Then if you have read it comment on it saying I have read it too and then we can just talk about it! 

Why am I trying to do this? Because IDK about you, but I love disucssing books with other people, and just laughing my butt off when I recall hilarious moments in the book(s). So anyway uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah. Just please do that. Thanks lol.

12 Answers

+1 vote
by (31.5k points)
Hey can I join?
+1 vote
Ooh make the name, "The Golden Gummy Bears!"
0 votes
by (103k points)
Ok we have 9 people joined! I will post the list of people soon. It will be called something like book club books or book club book choosing or something like that. Also, WE NEED A NAME! You people pls comment name ideas and I will do a poll on the post after the book club book chosing
0 votes
by (587k points)
I'll join.

Some things in the book may help.me come up with ideas for my Fanfic
by (103k points)
OK, sounds good!
0 votes
by (103k points)
So far we have 8 PEOPLE JOINED! WOW! Anyway, two spots are left open, I will wait a week or so, and then create the post! Join quickly if you want to join! TWO SPOTS LEFT!
0 votes
I'm def joining! I love to read!
by (103k points)
sounds gud!
0 votes
by (1.12m points)
I’m joining!
by (103k points)
0 votes
can i be in it?
by (103k points)
0 votes
by (156k points)
I do!!!
by (103k points)
0 votes
by (181k points)
by (103k points)
Welcome to the club!


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